I’m wanting something to cover the right side of my arm half sleeve (upper), I don’t mean all the way around just like on the front side of my arm any ideas?
Anything can be “in memory of”. Anything that connects you to that person, automatically becomes a memorial tattoo that reminds you of that person.
Go for a monkey riding a unicycle juggling cats who are wearing hats.
Nobody can help you design a memorial tattoo for you with out any info from you. Just find something that was special between you and this person and that’s a great start for ideas.
Nobody can help you design a memorial tattoo for you with out any info from you. Just find something that was special between you and this person and that’s a great start for ideas.
I want the text ‘In loving memory of then under it Gradma but I don’t know the type of tattoo that will be good remembering type?
As ArniVidar said almost anything can become a memorial tattoo as long as it reminds you of that person. I’m a fan of memorial tattoos that don’t have a bunch of text. I got one for my dad that has no text at all.
Nice tattoo.
I’m going to go for some sort of scroll thing with text in it.
This is my latest tattoo, a memorial to my dad.
It has the scroll thing with text in it like you want. A memorial can be anything, I used roses as they are simple, and are used at funerals and the like. Its up to you what you get, just go talk to a tattoo artist about any ideas, they will help.
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