Hey guys!
A little over a year ago I began to write a fantasy book (I’m a creative writer). It became heavily inspired by Norse Mythology (and Vikings), and thus my fascination for it began. A few weeks ago I finally bought a book on Norse Myths and I’ve begun reading it. I love it so far! Nonetheless, when I finish, if I am so inspired and so in love with the stories, I would love to get a tattoo of it. I just think the stories are so creative, beautiful, etc.
I was searching for some tattoo ideas when I found this: http://tanathe.deviantart.com/art/celtic-knotwork-Yggdrasil-211521336
It seemed too perfect! My favorite music style is Celtic, I LOVE Irish accents, and I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. Norse Mythology mixed with Celts? Yay!
Nonetheless, this design is a back tattoo. I don’t want this specifically (it’s a little too tribal for my tastes) and I’d prefer some feminist flow to it… But that’s the basic idea.
I’ve never been tattooed before, and I’m pretty scared of needles. But I do have a high pain threshold, and if I’m paying for it, I’ll just stick it out. Although I’ve heard the spine can be pretty brutal… That scares me.
Nonetheless, I have a few questions.
First of all, for a first tattoo, how do you think I’ll do? Can anybody describe the pain in their own experience?
Secondly, how will this tattoo age? I know people say “live in the moment”, but this is with me forever, and I want to make sure that when I’m a wrinkly old lady it won’t be disgusting. (I do stay out of the sun as I have an allergy to it. If it is exposed while swimming, though, then you can bet that there will be some pretty high SPF sunscreen on). Also, I’m only 20 (almost 21). I plan on having children. It’s in the back, so I imagine childbirth won’t affect it much?
Thirdly, and finally… About how much do you think a tattoo like this would cost? Thanks!
Firstly I dislike tribal as do most on these forums lol and from your post so do you!
I love fantasy books and art and think its a great idea specially with the story behind it
I started recently with my first tattoo and it was a back piece. To be honest and everyone is different, it wasnt painful for me. A few areas that are soft felt at the worst times like hot skin lol My description sucks!
It doesn’t hurt as bad as people say so no need to worry. You can take breaks or do sessions your comfortable with.
Trust me having babies will hurt more
As you said you stay out of the sun and you will use good sunblock and that is about all you can do except covering up and generally taking care of it.
When you are a wrinkly old lady I am not sure it will still be looking non disgusting lol It will probably look shit but who cares then lol
Costs depend on how complex your design is, how far you are travelling, colour or B/G.
My back will be costing me around £10,000 – £12,000 maybe a bit more.
Only advice I can give you as a non expert is use the best artist you get, world class artists are affordable and reachable so don’t skimp on the artist!
Lots of pros here who will be able to answer you in more depth
1. Everyone’s sensitivity to and tolerance of pain is different so there’s really no way to say. However, if you have a high tolerance for pain , then there’s really no need to be concerned.
2. I hear this all the time and I must say that I don’t get it. When you’re old and wrinkly, you are going to be … yep, old and wrinkly. You’re going to be unappealing to everyone regardless of whether you have any tattoos.
3. No idea, but there’s some really intricate line work there and that would take many, many hours. Several thousand for sure.
First of all, for a first tattoo, how do you think I’ll do? Can anybody describe the pain in their own experience?
Its pretty hard to describe. For those who have been in the chair, no explanation is needed. For those who have not, no explanation is possible.
As for spine pain – it depends on the individual. Like you, I researched at depth and asked anybody who would stand still long enough and had a lower back tattoo (which is what I was after) all kinds of questions about their experience. About half told me that it hurt more over the spine – the other half told me it hurt more outboard away from the spine. As it turned out, I was in the latter category – it barely hurt at all on my spine. My second & latest tattoo is on the nape of my neck – the artist warned me that it might hurt as bad as my “tramp stamp” – but it barely hurt at all.
Here is my attempt to describe *my* experience:
I’m thinking of an ankle/top of foot tattoo next – which is reputedly one of the VERY most painful ones of all. One gal told me when she got one in that location, that it “hurt so bad I saw dead relatives”! But I won’t let that stop me…
Tattoos can be touched up as they/you age, although I’d imagine there’s a limit at some point. I waited until I turned 50 before I got my first – that will give me the side benefit of it possibly still being “passable” when I hit the nursing home. Staying out of the sun will help tremendously. My face and arms are the only parts of my body that ever get any sun at all – and I try to minimize that. As I’m only tattooed on “never sees the sun alabaster white skin”, I expect to be able to enjoy my tattoos for many years to come. I only swim indoors – or after sunset.
Childbirth shouldn’t affect a back tattoo at all – although I’ve been told that some tattoos hurt more than childbirth. As I’m a male, I’m not qualified to comment.
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