
    Okay, so my initial thoughts on a tattoo would be to get a white ink tattoo as it’d be easy to conceal with make up or something if it was needed. However, after looking through MANY forums and such, I’ve come to realize that even if I were the ideal candidate for a white ink tattoo, few if any artists would be willing to do it as they normally turn out terribly. However, because of the location (inner wrist, which is rather significant to me) I’d still like something rather “pale” on my skin, something not easily spotted from across the room. It’s a very personal thing to me and I’d like to see it anytime I want, but not jump out to others unless I show them.

    Would you suggest going a light brown/tan color or maybe a pink or red? Or something else altogether?

    ETA: I’m white and pale as a freaking ghost. That would make a difference in color obviously.


    Get a brand or scarification. Tattoos are meant to be seen. Not pointed out.

    Dont get white.


    Sounds like you need to get a UV tattoo that can only be seen with a black light. Make sure you get that done in Freedom ink that goes away in one laser blast in case you change your mind.

    Don’t get tattooed you are not ready


    I’ve had white ink used on me for highlighting only.
    There are many pastel shades available. You don’t mention what your tattoo idea is. That would be helpful.

    Talk to a several tatttoo artists, and do a lot of research before committing yourself.


    The tattoo is a rather simple infinity symbol. Cliche perhaps, but it is something I’ve been thinking of for a few years and has significant meaning to me personally.



    Let us know what you decide, and how you make out.

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