
    Hello; new to these forums, I joined for a specific reason. Not proud of any of this but here goes… I am a long-time speed free former tweeker. When I was deep in the shit I was rolling with a white supremacist gang. During that time a “friend” started a fairly large tattoo on me and, thank the gods, never finished as I sobered up before that happened. That being said I have had a large outline on my back (8 years now) that I am not only embarrassed of but think is morally wrong. I like tattoos so realistically I’d love to.cover it up with a nice tattoo instead of a removal… however, and here’s the kicker, I make very little money and barring a winning lotto ticket won’t have the money to cover it OR have it lasered off any time soon. Can anyone help? I’ve seen charitable removal services but never charitable tattoo cover ups. Does it exist? Are there any artists out there willing to do make my year? I live in Southern California, probably necessary info.


    Not sure on charitable removals or tattoos, I know I have read a couple of stories about laser clinics doing free gang tattoo removals….Best advice I can give though, if you’ve had it for 8 years, would be to start sticking back a little money each month and save awhile for removal. I am not sure on the price but you can shop around and with out seeing it I can only assume its not professionally done, those tend to be easier to remove than professional tattoos from what I have read.

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