
    This picture was taken four weeks after tattoo was done.

    This picture was taken one week after tattoo was done
    Note the scabbing and nasty white pimples.

    This picture was taken the day the tattoo was done.

    After showering I would dab the tattoo with witch hazel, when dry I gently applied tea tree oil.
    After the third day I used Aveeno mixed with tea tree oil over the whole tattoo.

    I used the “dry Wrap” method of aftercare. This is wrapping tattoo with plastic wrap when it is done. Then washing and re wrapping several times daily for the next 72 hours.

    Perhaps because it is located on my upper thigh, but it was irritated for nearly three weeks.


    Next tattoo dry wrap it!!!!!!!


    @buttwheat 130031 wrote:

    Next tattoo dry wrap it!!!!!!!

    I did dry wrap it.


    This is the Anthurium at about eight months old. (note lightning bug)

    This Anthurium flower was done over the winter. Some of the red / purple got “thick”. It took six months to look anywhere normal. The lizard has some of the same properties.

    It must be my reaction to the colors. End result is good, but the Anthurium (raw steak) flower took forever.

    @Sam-I-Am 130032 wrote:

    I did dry wrap it.

    We did have temperatures in the 90’s with high humidity. It was most uncomfortable for over two weeks.


    You’re probably just reacting to the red. Not very uncommon, usually it will heal fine but it takes longer and can look fairly nasty at first ;p
    I had that problem on my first two tattoos with red in them, the third one healed better, but now I strangely react to blue/green… Everything else will heal up perfectly, but that one damn area refuses to let go. I usually just baby it, clean it with intimate soap and put a little bit of Bephanten on it. If it gets a very thick scab, I try Bacimycin. That usually takes care of it 🙂 I don’t dry wrap, though. (my skin hates it, tried it once and never again!)
    Looks like there is blood in the scabbing on the lizard, as if you scratched it or something. I’d try Bacimycin if that happens again 🙂


    @Sam-I-Am 130020 wrote:

    After showering I would dab the tattoo with witch hazel, when dry I gently applied tea tree oil.
    After the third day I used Aveeno mixed with tea tree oil over the whole tattoo.

    @Sam-I-Am 130032 wrote:

    I did dry wrap it.

    No sir you didn’t it is called DRY wrap not witch hazel, tea tree oil and aveeno wrap.


    I have a reaction to red also. It always heals badly. But I just keep on getting it. One day I’ll go in and just do a red TouchUp day.


    @buttwheat 130073 wrote:

    No sir you didn’t it is called DRY wrap not witch hazel, tea tree oil and aveeno wrap.

    Sir butt. Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I should have stated that when the plastic wrap was re applied I put nothing on my tattoos.
    I applied the tea tree oil and other products AFTER the plastic wrap was no longer needed.

    I swear on a stack of dead tissue that the dry wrap method has worked the best for me. Particularly when the tattoo artist uses a non petroleum lubricant when tattooing.

    Tattoo healing on me has been widely varied. Where there is little flesh like my shin, or ankle, it takes longer to heal than where there is more flesh like my upper leg. (I had four lightning bug tattoos done in April. Two on the front of my leg took months to heal, while two on the back healed in a few weeks) Is this fucked up or what?


    @jerryatrophy 130075 wrote:

    I have a reaction to red also, But I just keep on getting it.

    Yes, because it’s fucking awesome!


    @Sam-I-Am 130081 wrote:

    Sir butt. Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I should have stated that when the plastic wrap was re applied I put nothing on my tattoos.
    I applied the tea tree oil and other products AFTER the plastic wrap was no longer needed.

    I swear on a stack of dead tissue that the dry wrap method has worked the best for me. Particularly when the tattoo artist uses a non petroleum lubricant when tattooing.

    Tattoo healing on me has been widely varied. Where there is little flesh like my shin, or ankle, it takes longer to heal than where there is more flesh like my upper leg. (I had four lightning bug tattoos done in April. Two on the front of my leg took months to heal, while two on the back healed in a few weeks) Is this fucked up or what?

    I didn’t see that My bad


    @buttwheat 130164 wrote:

    I didn’t see that My bad

    I cheated. I updated after you posted.

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