
    @SquishyBarb 130355 wrote:

    Now I just have to find out if shading in a molecule will change it.. If anybody else is checking out this thread and knows where I could possibly find that information,

    Click here to find the wisdom that you seek


    @buttwheat 130371 wrote:

    Click here to find the wisdom that you seek

    Hmm I want to click this but should I?


    @buttwheat 130371 wrote:

    Click here to find the wisdom that you seek

    Gosh I love ya’ll. 😀 Thank you! I’ll see if I can find something…. If not, back to high school I go. Lol.


    @peterpoose 130345 wrote:

    The world is your oyster 🙂

    I think an oyster tattoo may be viable. Have it open exposing a pearl. Perhaps a black pearl at that.


    @Sam-I-Am 130395 wrote:

    I think an oyster tattoo may be viable. Have it open exposing a pearl. Perhaps a black pearl at that.

    Oh no thank you! lol. I want to fix it first, or try… I’m not good thinking of tattoos when they don’t have any specific meaning to me.. I would love a half sleeve, but I don’t think I could ever come up with enough stuff to put on my arm forever! (and would be beaten within an inch of my life. haha) .. But if that was sarcasm forget everything I just said… :rolleyes:


    My leg has lizards and plant life. It will morph into an aquarium / undersea theme as it wraps up my right side. I never thought about oysters until peter’s comment.
    Oysters or scallops could be interesting. Hell, I’m already planning a lobster.


    @Sam-I-Am 130402 wrote:

    My leg has lizards and plant life. It will morph into an aquarium / undersea theme as it wraps up my right side. I never thought about oysters until peter’s comment.
    Oysters or scallops could be interesting. Hell, I’m already planning a lobster.

    My fiance would LOVE that! He works two jobs; one with exotic reptiles and the other with saltwater aquariums…. Wants to get a seascape on his leg, I bet yours looks awesome. I would love flowers or something but I don’t want my arm to look like a garden..

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