
    @Call_me_Lola 134697 wrote:

    During my 2nd tattoo I was sitting backwards on a chair, leaning into the chair back. I had to ask for a piece of paper towel because I was sweating so badly that it was dripping off the tip of my nose onto the floor. At the time I thought that it was because the room was just kept hot. When I went back for the touch up on it I was hot in my car on the way there. After I arrived I realized that it was fear/adrenaline that was heating me up. I used to SHAKE when I tried to had them a picture for reference. These days I’m pretty cool calm and collected throughout the process, although I haven’t felt chilly or the need for a sweater during a tattoo so there is still probably some adrenaline pumping.

    I’m hoping the adrenaline kicks in. I ALWAYS get cold and wear a jacket. I was actually thinking of bringing a blanket for my leg he wasn’t working on for my next tattoo; I hate being cold.


    @GrayCatLove 134700 wrote:

    I’m hoping the adrenaline kicks in. I ALWAYS get cold and wear a jacket. I was actually thinking of bringing a blanket for my leg he wasn’t working on for my next tattoo; I hate being cold.

    At work I hang a night light under my thermostat. I can get it down to 68 degrees!


    @Sam-I-Am 134701 wrote:

    At work I hang a night light under my thermostat. I can get it down to 68 degrees!

    I really prefer it around 72 degrees. As my iron level goes up, it’s easier to keep warm, but the cold naturally doesn’t agree with me. If I’m not actively working, I usually do my notations by a plug in heater.


    6 hours was tops… felt defiled after that. 5 is a good number, 4 even better!


    @GrayCatLove 134700 wrote:

    I’m hoping the adrenaline kicks in. I ALWAYS get cold and wear a jacket. I was actually thinking of bringing a blanket for my leg he wasn’t working on for my next tattoo; I hate being cold.

    During the sessions on my peacock I always brought a blanket because I thought I might get cold, what with one side of my skirt tucked up around my chin and all. Nine sessions and I never used the blanket. Still brought it in case.

    I took my pashmina with me for the first two times I was tattooed in California (for the guys: thats a kind of fancy long double wide scarf of thin-ish but warm fabric that can be worn as a scarf or used like a wrap or shawl around a lady’s shoulders). Didn’t need it either time for warmth, however I did roll it up to use as a lumbar pillow on the chair for comfort.

    Sam – I am so glad I don’t work with you. Brrrrr.


    @Call_me_Lola 134708 wrote:

    Sam – I am so glad I don’t work with you. Brrrrr.

    One girl trainee said to another one. You’re posting with Sam, I hope you brought your parka.

    I do turn up the heat to make trainees comfortable. (within reason)


    It’s always known when I’ve been sleeping in the PQ, because everyone bitches in feels like a sauna. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (IDGAF if everyone hates it. I was tired. I got there first.)


    @GrayCatLove 134682 wrote:

    I have an artist with light hands, but I’m a fucking baby who doesn’t like mild discomfort.

    Now I’m scared with all the detail Barrett’s going to do. <_<

    I wouldn’t worry about it. He’s not heavy handed at all. But don’t expect to finish quick. My forearm was 7.5 hrs. And it wasn’t a very detailed picture.
    I won’t say he’s slow but I can say he isn’t fast. And the atmosphere at black 13 is great. I was watching josh woods tattoo a macho man randy savage.


    I usually get cold during tattoos! But I usually get tattooed during winter, so it gets freezing everytime someone opens a door..
    Never brought a blanket, I usually just use my hoodie or something ๐Ÿ™‚ And I do get chills sometimes, and if I do I just take an ibux and it helps.
    It’s about 25F here now and I’m getting inked next week, and I don’t think that’s gonna be too cold! Hopefully the shop is nice and warm, I just have trouble adjusting if I take a smoke break and come back in :p


    @jerryatrophy 134731 wrote:

    I wouldn’t worry about it. He’s not heavy handed at all. But don’t expect to finish quick. My forearm was 7.5 hrs. And it wasn’t a very detailed picture.
    I won’t say he’s slow but I can say he isn’t fast. And the atmosphere at black 13 is great. I was watching josh woods tattoo a macho man randy savage.

    That’s pretty cool. This is on nice blank canvas of my right side, so I’m really excited to see how the dye is cast as tone-setting and what picture he most draws influence from.


    Longest session for me was 3.5 hours. I think I could probably go for at least 4-5 at the most, depending on the area. Usually just do 3 hours whenever I go in. I’ve had no issues with healing even with the 3.5 hour session I did. We always take a few breaks in there and I always have some sort of snack with me as well as water. Always bring water!


    @Call_me_Lola 134697 wrote:

    During my 2nd tattoo I was sitting backwards on a chair, leaning into the chair back. I had to ask for a piece of paper towel because I was sweating so badly that it was dripping off the tip of my nose onto the floor. At the time I thought that it was because the room was just kept hot. When I went back for the touch up on it I was hot in my car on the way there. After I arrived I realized that it was fear/adrenaline that was heating me up. I used to SHAKE when I tried to had them a picture for reference. These days I’m pretty cool calm and collected throughout the process, although I haven’t felt chilly or the need for a sweater during a tattoo so there is still probably some adrenaline pumping.

    I have noticed the same thing with me. Even the other day when I went in I noticed I was really hot and shaky. I’ve been getting tattooed by the same person for over 2 years now and you’d think I’d be good. I think a lot of it was the excitement rather than fear and nervousness.


    @Mistress_Of_Pain 134747 wrote:

    I always have some sort of snack with me as well as water. Always bring water!

    Yes, I try to eat fairly well prior to a session, and I take water also. (tattoo shop is located next door to a Palumbo Pizza shop which is convenient)


    @Mistress_Of_Pain 134747 wrote:

    Longest session for me was 3.5 hours. I think I could probably go for at least 4-5 at the most, depending on the area. Usually just do 3 hours whenever I go in. I’ve had no issues with healing even with the 3. hour session I did. We always take a few breaks in there and I always have some sort of snack with me as well as water. Always bring water!

    I understand bringing a source of sugar and eating before, but why water?


    Water is good for you? ๐Ÿ˜€ And if you do get hit with adrenaline etc, you will need to hydrate. (I never bring water.. haha, just coke. but probably smart)
    Very basic “get ready for a tattoo”; Get a good nights sleep (seriously. Not kidding. It helps a TON!), eat well before your session(a yougurt doesn’t count), bring something to eat. For more than 5 hours you should get some proper food like a sandwich or something. Keeping your blood sugar up and staying energized will help a lot against pain, cold, too hot, etc, all that. The adrenaline and endorphin’s will mess with your system a bit, and being well fed and rested really makes all the difference ๐Ÿ™‚
    (last time I hadn’t slept enough, eaten waaaay to little and didn’t have any food with me.. I almost passed out at Into the Woods when Ryan was taking pictures of the healed tattoo. Still not sure if I should blame it on hot tattoo artist or stupid customer. Classy lady. )

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