    Victoria Davis

    Please take a look at my tattoo here:

    Is my tattoo healing properly? (click show more after the question) (with Flash)
    Is my tattoo healing properly? without flash

    Is it healing properly? This isn’t my first tattoo, but my other one didn’t look like this when it healed and it was in a worse spot (my ribs). I would like to know if it’s grey from fading or if it will darken up when it’s fully healed. I’d also like to know if it looks like there are some spots that are going to be missing color. There is a part in the first letter that looks like a deep sliced line, why is that? I would really appreciate any advice or answers.

    P.s. I got the tattoo 6 days ago.


    Welcome to the forum!

    I didn’t get the photos, but I’ve had all kinds of healing issues over a few years.

    Tattoos heal differently on different parts of your body. You don’t say when it was done. Tattoos take at minimum three months to heal.

    Keep us posted.


    Different forum same answer. No

    Victoria Davis

    ok, could you elaborate a little more than just “no” please? like what about it isn’t correct.


    What did you wash it with?
    How often do you wash it?
    How much moisturizer do you add to it?

    Anywho, I’d stop use the moisturizer for a day, and clean it only once that day, not more. This because it looks infected, and should just breathe. Looks like the black will turn out grey or spotted, sorry.

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