
    So I know this may seem a bit premature, since I haven’t gotten my first tattoo yet (I go one week from Friday, and I’m so excited), but in the future, I want to get a back tattoo, and I want it to be planned out well, since it’ll probably be relatively large.

    I think I want to do some type of sun at the top and have the bottom be somehow representative of myself and my place in life. I’d like it to seem like my representation is both near and far from the sun.

    Anyway, that’s a pretty crude description, and obviously I’ll fine-tune it, but does anyone have any suggestions for a really good quality artist? I would like to just describe my idea to the artist and let him/her just go off with it, because I think that’s a really great way to get a beautiful tattoo. I live in Maryland, so if anyone has any suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated.



    You go in a week from Friday and you’re asking what to get? And you’re also asking for a good quality artist.
    Is your appointment for a consultation, or for a tattoo?

    Do yourself a favor and cancel your appointment till you get your thoughts together. (thoughts together = Head out of your ass)


    No, I know what I’m getting for this one, and I know my artist is good. But I know I want a different artist for my next one, and I’m just starting to think about it now.


    Okay. it just sounded peculiar.


    Before you get your first tattoo, what you may think is a good artist and what is actually a good artist may differ a lot, so therefore before you commit to something lifelong let us take a look at their portfolio ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have a full backpiece (pic below)

    There are some amazing artists now days, so why settle for less (not saying you are but as a first timer we see so many people think the artist was good without being educated on what is actually good ๐Ÿ™‚

    Look at my signature link below on a PC and see the type of work being pushed out now days ๐Ÿ™‚



    Halo is in Baltimore. Lucky bird tattoo is in Maryland as well.

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