
    Hey everyone, I’m new here 🙂

    While I do have a couple of tattoos of my own, this post is actually about my boyfriend’s brand new tattoo, which he got yesterday. It’s a raven – specifically, Muninn, one of the Norse god Odin’s familiars – featuring Muninn’s name in English and in Norse runes. The tattoo design is beautiful and well-done; the problem is that “Muninn” is spelled incorrectly. It isn’t the artist’s fault – he showed my boyfriend the stencil, and my boyfriend OK’d it without realizing the error (he was really nervous, as it was his first tattoo). So now he has “Munnin” emblazoned on his arm, and he feels like a fool, especially considering the time and effort he put into designing the tattoo. We talked at length about whether he should leave the tattoo as is, or try to have it fixed. We decided that getting it fixed is probably for the best; even if no one else ever notices the misspelling, we know it’s incorrect, and that’s bad enough.

    Here is the tattoo:

    There are only two generally accepted Anglicized spellings of the raven’s name: Muninn and Munin. Obviously changing “Munnin” to “Muninn” would be way more doable than changing it to “Munin”. Luckily, the artist wrote the letters so that the “N” is just two “I”s connected by a diagonal line, so it would be easy enough to simply draw another diagonal line to connect the “I” to the preceding “N”, like so:

    But then there’s still that diagonal line connecting the new “I” to the new “N”, and I just don’t know how that can be fixed. The only thing I can come up with is it try to incorporate it into some sort of design, like this…

    I’m not really happy with that, but I simply don’t see any other possibilities…which is why I am asking for help. If anyone has any ideas on how this can be fixed, I’d be so grateful for any advice you could give me.

    Thanks for reading this super long plea for help! 😀


    A little bit of laser to part of the second N after its healed would be my suggestion, and fixing it like your second picture.


    I read MUNNNN.


    @sweetling 142763 wrote:

    The tattoo design is beautiful and well-done;

    um no it’s not done well at all.


    Laser definitely laser. Trying to hide it is just going to make it look odd.


    Adding on to it would definitely make it worse. Either learn to live with the incorrect spelling, or start lasering that crap off in a few months’ time. Sorry.

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