

    I am new to the forums and I would be grateful if someone could recommend a good, experienced tattoo artist in the Reading area. I travel quite a lot and have been tattooed by different artists from different parts of the world. I recently moved to Tilehurst/Reading with my husband and decided to get a new tattoo. I came up with a design and went to our local tat studio… I love my new tattoo but it is not exactly as it should be. The guy who did it offered for me to go back for re-touching but I am starting to think that the best thing would be to pay a bit more and get it corrected properly (photos coming soon).

    So if anyone could please suggest any good artist/tattoo studio in the Reading area, I would be so grateful that if I get a good result, i would invite them a beer or two ๐Ÿ™‚

    Many thanks,


    Hi and welcome to the forum Nat.

    If you can bear with me I will do a bit of research and see what artists there are in that area for you.

    Can I ask what style of tattoo is it and is it colour or black n shade – just helps when looking at artist portfolio’s.

    Take Care


    Ian of Reading if you can get a booking!! Well worth the wait and money


    Thank you guys ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sherav, thank you for doing a research for me. I have uploaded some pics of my new tattoo in the user gallery if you want to have a look. It is black n’ shade, no colour. In the meantime, I shall visit Ian of Reading to check our his work and see if I can have a quick chat about this tat and how to improve the lines which are not even nor symetrical and it is driving me nuts lol.

    Nat x


    Hi Nat

    Well spent an hour looking for websites of Reading tattooists and hardly any to be found. ๐Ÿ™

    I did manage to see some of the Ian of Reading’s work on other sites and would recommend his ink – it looked great.

    I also spoke with a colleague who has had work done by him and said he is a great artist but said to avoid the ‘No Pain No Gain’ studio.

    Sorry cannot help further.



    thank you for taking the time, Matthew ๐Ÿ™‚

    I shall give Ian a try… it is good you also suggested where not to go, as someone recommended that place to me yesterday. Any idea what’s wrong with No Pain No gain?

    Nat x


    Hi Nat

    I spoke with my colleague the first thing he said he saw was a guy smoking in the shop.

    Now I know this may not sound a huge thing but it is not a good sign because it makes you question the sterility and hygiene of the place.

    I had to agree I would have just turned and walked out again. Also he said that the work was ‘average’.

    I know art is subjective and I haven’t seen their work so difficult to comment on that.

    There is nothing stopping you from checking them out but personally I would be looking long and hard at their studio and their work especially after I found this review on top of what my colleague said.


    Good luck!

    Take Care


    Cheers, Matthew!! I shall be staying away from that studio then. I guess the person recommended them because they are local to me, but after what u said and after reading those reviews, I don’t think i will be going there at all.

    I will, however, go to Ian of Reading on Saturday, see what he has in mind to improve my tat and book an appointment! ๐Ÿ™‚

    So thank you both for your valuable input, it has helped me a lot.




    Tantra;42912 wrote:
    Cheers, Matthew!! I shall be staying away from that studio then. I guess the person recommended them because they are local to me, but after what u said and after reading those reviews, I don’t think i will be going there at all.

    I will, however, go to Ian of Reading on Saturday, see what he has in mind to improve my tat and book an appointment! ๐Ÿ™‚

    So thank you both for your valuable input, it has helped me a lot.


    I have had six tattoos done at No Pain No Gain Studio. The studio has always been clean and well run, if it wasn’t I would not go there believe me. The work has been done to an excellent standard and the staff are always friendly and helpful. They recently won an award at the Bournemouth Tatoo convention for their work. I truly cannot understand anyone saying that the studio is not good. I am planning my next tattoo shortly and will definitely be going back there.

    Best of luck I hope you get your tattoo looking how you want it to be.


    welcome to the forum,

    sounds like this Ian of reading os worth looking into .
    going to have a nosey at your tattoo now ๐Ÿ˜Ž



    I have 2 tattoos by Ian of Reading one on my right forearm and one on my left thigh, the forearm is probally on of my best and my thigh looks pretty good aswell.
    The man himself, he’s great and really helpful, he’s happy to discuss ideas with you and draw things up for you first, if you want something different and not direct from a flash book.
    Hygiene, well it’s a long time since i was there as i now live in yorkshire but as far as i can remember he was spotless.

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