replied to the topic side effect 6 weeks later? can you advise? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 8 months ago
to Sheraz, many thanks for answering, I think your info essentially discounts tattoo or piercing as underlying cause of abnormal lump.
As you note, obviously biopsy’s indicated asap- but since the attending doctor didn’t bother, my confidence was not high. that’s one reason I went looking for supplemental expert input on your forum, about all I…[Read more]
replied to the topic side effect 6 weeks later? can you advise? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 8 months ago
To intelligent-looking gentleman from Iceland– thanks so much, really appreciate that you read me, I’m about as unfamiliar with posting on forums as with the world of tattoo arts. hoping Sherav sees this too-
Natalie tells me that site is closer to a new navel piercing, done at same time as tattoo. Guess I hadn’t noticed piercing, being not…[Read more]