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akasha bloodlust

wow. i hope your joking about not being allowed around schools and stuff. thats not good at all. dont have kids

akasha bloodlust

sherav the dermals have been in for almost 2 yrs now. i have yet to have any migration and i never catch them on anything. i just havent had any issues with them at all. as for the pain it was non existant. it feels like a burning like a tattoo but for about 5 seconds. so really quick and easy and heals in 2 weeks. i love them and def recommend them to anyone even people who have never had there ears peirced or anything lol .

hamsternuts: lmao you crack me up. its normal to get all hot and bothered by a pic of something you like. and as far as it only being a tad of bod showing. its kinda tantalizing and brings out fantasies. lol its normal. i know if i saw a chick in that pose with tats and such and i thought she was hot id be all over it too lol. ๐Ÿ™‚

akasha bloodlust

lmao thats what most people see first lol the tits. lol. but thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ i love my peircings and tats

akasha bloodlust

lol very nicley worded lol. love the sinking teeth part lol. but yes my hubby is very happy ๐Ÿ™‚

akasha bloodlust

actually its my design. ๐Ÿ™‚ i wanted an anime girl. and half devil half angel with her in the outfit she is wearing holding a bear. i gave him a rough drawling and he went from there with it. the teddy bear she is holding was my idea. i love skeleanimals so i had him add that in too. i had the ideas for thw wings how she was sitting and the whole thing but i am not very artistic so i brought him pics of things i printed off of google. that way he had an idea of what types of looks i like as far as the body the face thw wings ect. my artist did an awesome job and she looks just like i wanted her to :). her name is akasha bloodlust. lol. akasha is from pne of my fav movies. queen of the damned. ๐Ÿ™‚ akasha is my alter ego :).she is my personality personaified. i love her lol. everyone always luaghs whn i tell them she has a name. but i just had to givce her name. she is very important to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

akasha bloodlust

thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ if any one could do a rough drawling for me that would be great. so i can have a better idea of what your saying. ๐Ÿ™‚

akasha bloodlust

no i haven run it by my artist yet but i plan to next week. i just wanted to see what other ideas were out there. ๐Ÿ™‚ i hadnt thought about the half and half ribbon not a bad idea. but i am going to draw it up first to see if its to busy or not lol

akasha bloodlust

thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ its my fav. ๐Ÿ™‚

akasha bloodlust

thanks but i already know what the two ribbons look like im trying to get some ideas of how to combine the two to make one tattoo.

akasha bloodlust

tattoos charlies joshua ๐Ÿ™‚ im in ky in the united states.

akasha bloodlust

lol thanks. peircings arent for everyone. but i sure do love them. i will def be getting more tats very soon. i have been thinking about getting a vampire bite tattoo on my boob. ๐Ÿ™‚ and before anyone goes all twilight on me. my love for vampires started when was about 5 yrs old. ๐Ÿ™‚

akasha bloodlust

lol yes i do. i really want to get my verticle labret done. but my hubby doesnt want me too lol. oh and i forgot to mention that if you look closely you can see i also have my monroe done lol

akasha bloodlust

can everyone see the pics. i want to make sure i did it right lol

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akasha bloodlust

Profile picture of akasha bloodlust


Active 8 years, 8 months ago