replied to the topic Infected? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 12 years ago
@Sam-I-Am 124697 wrote:
I haven’t used A & D ointment since I discovered it has cod liver oil in it. I use the dry wrap method, wash frequently with anti bacterial soap, then apply a thin layer of fragrence free moistureizer like Aveena, or Cetaphil. It will take a few weeks to heel. I had spots just like those at one time. I put some B.F.I.…
replied to the topic Infected? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 12 years ago
@yodaddynukka 124693 wrote:
if there is no heat or pain then it most likely isnt infected. but the last pic on the bottom i see some redness below the legion so it MAY be infected? were those areas scabbed up and the scabs just fell off recently?
The artist had used a red permanent marker to line out the curves on the bottom of the piece. He…[Read more]