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Thanks guys, I’m really happy with it!
must not be a fan favorite
133 views and no comments…
this forum moves fast..
just added more, check out my new thread!
I believe I may have just corrected them.
So I am finally going to finish this piece, 2 years later. Planning to go a little further down my arm, around the whole arm, onto my chest and a little on my back. I believe that this shop is no longer in business so I need to go to a new shop. Any suggestions on what I should tell my new artist on how to finish this piece?
everyone eating dinnner? lol

i got alot of people asking me why did i do it, i just say i liked it because i dont feel like explaining what i learned about the polynesian culture…eventually im doing a full sleeve once i find my going to finish in japanese lol.
just got it finished.,
alright alright alright im not whining lol anyway thanks guys..anyone have any good ideas that i can tell my guy on friday to add to it only going a little further down for now! besides i gotta get the rest colored and outlined:D
everybody i show it though is like “your stupid why would you get that what does it mean” “i can play checkers on your arm” i lol’d at that one.
definently appreciate it man, you have no idea how bad im dieing for a sleeve to my wrist but im going to get this finished friday have it go a little bit more down, then eventually to my wrist..ill post pics friday night after my session, thanks bro!
thanks man! well i want to turn it into a full sleeve, however not to sound like a bitch but my dad told me i cant until i find a job, he doesnt want me to mess anything up….however im 100 percent sure id have it covered with long oh wellll in 2 years ill continue down my arm
i actually thought about throwing pink lotus flowers in there but then thats mixing styles and idk how weird that would look you know?
thanks for the input guys! smh..:confused:
i got alot of people asking me why did i do it, i just say i liked it because i dont feel like explaining what i learned about the polynesian culture…eventually im doing a full sleeve once i find my going to finish in japanese lol.