I understand what alot of people are saying, get your artist to do it. I understand I like to do my own work in my field. But at the end of the day i can not draw a free hand sketch or anything to save my life. Hence why i feel this section could be used, but at present it isn’t.
For example, I want a drawing of my idea i have put up in words. I wish to take to my artist and say this is sort of the idea i want but feel free to change to move etc what i have. Instead of trying to explain and draw and re explain with them.
This forum should be changed, instead of design to translate my idea into a drawing.
I have tried to draw my idea, but when i am not even half way it becomes a mess what chance do i have to try and show my artist what i want.
If some one drew an interpretation of what i put in words i would find it easier to correct and see. And i think an artist would too. If they could see a well drawn piece instead of badly drawn lines.
I am sure there are some people or artist out there who want to draw and help for the sake of it, for the enjoyment of it all.
even if it was a quick 10 min interpretation of it.