replied to the topic i want to get my daughters ears pierced before she hits 6 months because i… in the forum Pierced Skin 15 years, 12 months ago
both my sons have just decided they want their ears pierced, they have requested some stretches or ones like daddies lol i am curoius as to whether that is too young and as one of the previous posters mentioned what gauge would you put in a childs ears?
replied to the topic Help with Segment Rings in the forum Pierced Skin 15 years, 12 months ago
just curious talking about segment rings i have i 4gauge bcr in my PA but i really wanna get a segment ring is the segment really secure cause the pics i seen they look pretty easy to come apart
replied to the topic To Stretch or Not to Stretch? in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years ago
just curious, with stretching, i hae only stretched the cartilidge part of my ear about ten years ago, it is at 10mm with the lobes why does it take so long? surely it should stretch easy as i got my ear pierced and stretched in one sitting, would it not be possible to do this with a lobe? cause as carmael has mentioned i also have been thinking…[Read more]
replied to the topic Whats the heaviest metal song you have heard? in the forum Music – Video – Film 16 years ago
yeah sworn enemies new stuff is pretty heavy, suicide silence, but then there are the cannibal corpse type stuuf too i dont get into that though i like the price of beauty by suicide silence
replied to the topic tattoo too deep in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years ago
this is the url to a album i tried to tke some photos but a bit hard when its on my back i will try get some more when someone comes over and can take some.
replied to the topic tattoo too deep in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years ago
how do i post an imge do i have to use photobucket or can i just post one on here?
replied to the topic tattoo too deep in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years ago
i have had 3 independant artists look at it and all agreed that its way too deep, because a) still weeping etc, b) none of the lines are nice the ink has gone in and gone funny i cant remember the term they used but it has “cracked)” or blotched or something,c) it had a blue line around it or something too and also becasue my usual artist knows my…[Read more]
replied to the topic tattoo too deep in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years ago
yeah well he is one of my better friends, so he dont mind, i should just stuck with him but i wanted to see what other artists were like too. but gisborne the city i live in is a small place i dont think the kind of work done on me if that is her usual will allow her to be in business for long as it is only a small city and word travels pretty…[Read more]
replied to the topic tattoo too deep in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years ago
i really agree with you izarrasink i may have come accross a bit strange asking about what i did but its the first time i have been carved up by a artist that could maybe do with a few pointers, dont get me wrong her portfolio showed some good work and the part she has done even though simple was done well just far far too deep and now my back…[Read more]
replied to the topic tattoo too deep in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 16 years ago
without sounding rude if you check my pics i am not exactly a virgin to getting tattooed, have had wrists, by the armpits and ribs done and had no problems, have been to see my usual artist and also a couple of other ones as i went out of town for a couple of days and they have confrimed that this girl cocked it up the ink is way too deep, and the…[Read more]
replied to the topic Hiya in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years, 3 months ago
hooray another nzer 🙂
replied to the topic from NZ in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years, 3 months ago
no did not draw my sleeves myself,