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Ewwwww! ๐Ÿ™‚


Hi! I agree with you going for a big tattoo that you completely love, rather than going for a small one just because that’s what people tell you to do!
My tattoo goes from my ribs to my hip and I found the pain on my ribs pretty darn awful, but it’s worth it if it’s something you really want. The bit over my hip bone hurt slightly less (although still a heck of a lot more than the bits on my abdomen), but has taken ages to heal! The rest of it is completely fine now but my hip is still red and has lots of scabby ink on it.


Hey! Yeah like demure said, I love where you had it done, really unusual place!


That’s really interesting. I think it would ruin it if there wasn’t any pain involved in tattooing, it’s almost like a right of passage lol


Wow, I love the bit at the top! Really nice


That’s pretty much what I got from my tattooist outlaw, except I was told to keep it covered overnight and to use vaseline or savlon. Since I’ve moved on to savlon I’ve seen a rapid increase in healing!!
It started itching a bit today but I guess that’s good cos it means it’s on the mend! My partner is going crazy cos I won’t let him near it till it’s all healed up lol ๐Ÿ™‚


Have got savlon on it now ๐Ÿ™‚
There’s still ink coming off, is this just because it’s slow in healing? I’m not very good at healing in general, like when I get cuts etc. How long is it (on average) till it doesn’t hurt to touch any more? It’s only red and painful on my hip bone, I guess because the skin moves more there when I’m walking etc.


That’s an awesome place to have a tattoo, so long as you’ve got a decent body! Wouldn’t look so good if you had an apron of flab hanging over the top of it! ๐Ÿ˜›


lol @ Outlaw!
Thing is, while I’m still young I don’t want to have any very visible ones, as I don’t know what I want to do in terms of career yet. Don’t want to jeopardise future plans!


Hey firebird, nice to meet you!


@AhshKoshBGosh 30764 wrote:

oh wow thats pretty cool!

I’ve found the best thing to use is a tiny paintbrush and blackboard paint, comes out just like real tattoo ink!


Hehe I’m just thinking of where I want my next one…I like to pick the area of my body first then find the tattoo design!


Cool thanks Outlaw, when AhshKoshBGosh said about getting it touched up it scared me – it hurt way too much for me to go through it all again! Hehe I’m such a scaredy cat ๐Ÿ™‚


I was told either vaseline or savlon by my tattooist, maybe I’ll use savlon to be on the safe side then! I feel I ought to follow tattooists advice as then if there are any problems he can’t blame me for doing something wrong!!
I’m just finding it a bit hard at work because I have to do lots of stretching/bending, and the skin feels really tight and hard to stretch.


Cool, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ Am just putting vaseline on it at the mo to try to keep it from getting tight. Not looking forward to the itching bit, I have like no willpower! I will have to tie my hands behind my back or something lol!

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