Forum Replies Created
Kid – stop fuckin eggin him on…its just gonna irritate him more…. along with the rest of us.
Kid – use it as a jumping rock and make your own….. it will mean more to you that way. It’s a decent image (altho I’m not to fond of it) but if that is what you want then go for it….it’s YOUR body
I’ve already decided I’d like the body to be a bit more detailed and for there to be sunbeams coming out from all directions of the body. I’d also like the wings to be a bit bigger. Thanks for the realization that it’s MY body though, you were one of the only one of the reasonable ones in this thread.
I mean, look at you! Taking the role of the victim, being set upon by the big mean internet bully, and never ONCE addressing anything I said! Then you bring in tangential issues, such as my Metallica tattoo, and represent it as if it’s a boiler plate ninja star, or the cover to Ride the Lightning. Oh, you are going to be DANGEROUS in an argument once you grow up, oh yes you will!
*pinches cheek*
Bottom line, I’m sure that you’ll get it if you want it, but it doesn’t make you any less of a thief, or for that matter, a dick. Using someone else’s ink as a jumping of point is valid–as I was told repeatedly in art school, all artists steal from one another. But copying it utterly is lazy and shows you don’t take this seriously.
And the fact it’s on David Bechham ain’t helping your case. Celebrity worship is the absolute worst reason to do ANYTHING, much less get an amazingly mediocre piece of ink.
Question: since everyone in this thread agrees to me to one degree or another, don’t you think I may have a point?
Just sayin.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Never addressing anything you said? Half of what I said was me talking about what you said?
And the fact it’s on David Bechham ain’t helping your case. Celebrity worship is the absolute worst reason to do ANYTHING, much less get an amazingly mediocre piece of ink.
such as my Metallica tattoo
You saying that closes the argument for me and I realize you completely made an ass of yourself. The mod is probably going to close this if you respond now and I’d rather this thread up, so be the big old mature guy that you seem to be and swallow your pride.
Besides, tattoos are supposed to reflect your own aesthetic sensibilities. Are you seriously telling me that you’ve no identity of your own, so much so that you have to gank someone else’s aesthetics entirely? Are you THAT bankrupt of originality and sense of self? Or do you just simply not take tattooing seriously, and put no thought into this whatsoever?
As Apriltg said, if I saw someone with one of my original creations on them, my first reaction would be to attempt to unscrew their heads off their body….and I’d be justified in doing so. By taking MY ink, you’re taking part of my sense of self, part of my creativity and originality, and showing me an utter lack of basic human respect.
In short, you’d be a serious fucking dick. Grow up, be original, and use that image as a jumping off point.
Besides, that design isn’t all that great to begin with. The fuck’s wrong with you?
Love. Peace. Metallica.
I really won’t start with the defending of myself since it’s really not worth it with someone who thinks he’s far superior already so I’ll let you reign in your glory there and let your ego boast.
Secondly, copying someone else’s ink? The tattoo that is featured on this guy and on David Beckham are all a little tweaked with the same basic meaning. If I like that design and see it on someone and there’s no name and I did my own personalization to it, I’ll get it if I want it.
And my own sense of originality? Are you the fucking idiot? You have a tattoo with a band name on you. That’s real fucking original. Let me tell you, a Metallica tattoo? I’ve never seen that in my life. You must be the first to do that. Unless my knowledge isn’t all there, I’m pretty sure you’re probably not a part of the band, so that’s kinda taking the idea of someone else too.
However, thanks to the guy that sent me links of some ideas to tweak the tattoo and some other drawings of good vs. evil. I actually do like some of the stuff I saw on those sites. Too bad you have people like knighthawk bashing users when they simply ask a fucking question. I’d like your input, which is why I posted this, but I can do without the name calling and the harshness. I’m sure you’re big and tough and are going to reply calling me a cocky 16 year old so I’ll let you do that too, and I won’t be responding to you. Good luck in life though with that attitude. I’m sure your very well loved and give a lot of great advice elsewhere.
When it comes to pain management, your worst enemy is your own mind. If you’re one of those types of ciients who can’t stop thinking about the pain or the hurt you may feel, then you’ll probably have plenty of it because you just psyched yourself out so much that you’ve become ultra sensitive to pain because you’re expecting it. When that happens they get so psyched up for pain they literally jump out of the chair if my hand touches them as I’m preparing to work on them. They hear the buzzing, then my hand, not the needle just touches them. They’re convinced they felt pain.
Best thing to do is be 100% sober, so your mind has more ability to concentrate on the right things, and your brain wil produce the right amounts of adrenaline and dopamines which will dull most of your pain for the first 2 or 3 hours. Try to just relax and focus on something visual is possible, a TV if available, or have a conversation “With your mouth! Not your entire bodY!” I have some clients who can’t seem to talk without moving their entire bodies, especially their hands or heads.
Don’t focus on the tattoo so much and especially don’t ask for constant progress reports, that ruins the concentration of the artist. For example, “How much time left? What are you doing now? Can you do this really really fast?” Most of us will keep you well informed as we go along for your own comfort.
And remember, no matter how much it hurts, at least it’s not as bad as marriage! And your tattoo can never cheat on you or divorce you!
Thanks a lot for the response man. Really helped and motivated me actually. I really hope I can get this ASAP now 😀
my cross took an hour and a half (urs will be much more than that) but it didnt hurt too bad
what ive always noticed about tattoos is it hurts at first, then goes numb aftera while… then the numbness wears off and it hurts more than it did in the beginning
its def not unbearable but the top of the back is definaetly less painful than when you get lower, as sherav referred to, the kidney area
on the scale of 1 to 10 i would say 4 or 4.5
but i also said 7 when i broke my arm when i was 14 years old
and now i have hurniated discs in my back and i described that to the doc as 6… so idk how ur scale measures up but theres a reference point
Ya, since it’s all upper back I’m not too worried about the kidney thank god. I’m really sensitive around there (like everyone else). When I broke my humerus in half though, I only rated the pain as an 8 so I guess my pain tolerance is somewhat high. Plus this is something that I really want, so I’m sure I’ll be able to tough it out more.
As I am getting my backpiece outlined tonight (full back) I will be able to give you a personal experience answer 😀
I will post up how it feels.
Take Care
Wow man, good luck with that! Hope all goes well and you really love what it turns out to be. Make sure you let me know how the upper back feels. I’ll be checking this thread regularly. 😀
I just realized I already posted in this thread haha. Just ignore this post 🙁
Also found this today…
But without the banner and writing.
That’s an awesome piece man! Definitely something I’d consider getting, and a very unique idea. Congrats on the new ink!
his wings are down but at least you get what his face looks like looking at him straight. and could work with that if you are going for realism.
That picture can definitely be the one I’d get if I can find a friend to work on that for me. Thanks a bunch, I’m surprised I couldn’t find that picture.
It’s your body and you will do what you want. Enjoy.
Just my opinon. Not trying to flame you.
Trust me, I completely understand you. Eagles and phoenix’s have always been something I’ve wanted on me and that never changed. For a little while I kinda wanted a dragon, but it seemed to be over used and not really what I wanted.I still have thinking to do, and seriously thank you for giving me your word and opinion. It’s what I asked for and you gave me help. Thanks a lot man, I’ll consider what you had to say.
I also really like this idea, but without the japanese writing.
Is it me.. or is it like a little fat guy with wings? 😀
It kinda does, haha. I’m going to try to get it toyed with until it’s perfectly what I want. I still have about a year.
Stop looking at sites that post cartoons and look at some real tattoo’s like the ones on this site. At 16 your tastes reflect your age. At 32 I am willing to bet you will hate that bird on your back. Find some real art and a good artist to work with, THEN wait a few years for your common sense and judgement to catch up with your body. It’s a lifetime commitment and you don’t want to screw it up.
Just my 2 cents.
I’m not sure if you didn’t read through my thread or what, but I don’t really see how…
is cartoonish if I get it changed a bit by a good artist.
Damn, thanks so much. I completely disregarded that site from my searches because I didn’t think they’d have tattoos. I found EXACTLY, right on the button what I’m looking for.