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Your artist’s portfolio is mostly printed from the Internet so that would be the first warning sign for me. Heads up for next time 🙂 and I like the tree, but you should definitely let him know you’re not happy that he didn’t follow your instructions. To be honest, I’d go to someone else to finish it.
I only have woman boobs so I wouldn’t know :p
I don’t get the skinning alive feeling, to me it feels more like a slight burn. My longest session was only 4 hours and the burning started to really get to me. Lol congrats on the tat tho it looks awesome!
If I was to get 2, I’d get the Phoenixes in this position and this sort of style but with a tail more like this one’s obviously in the same style As the rest of the bird and not as fluffy lol
It’s definitely for the sake of art lol. I’ll probably get it drawn up many times before I settle because I’m picky like that 😉 so I’ll probably play around with a few more ideas into this as well. I was also thinking a Phoenix and a gryphon or dragon but they seem so cliché. I think the chest area is big enough for what I want. Well I hope it is because I have other plans for my back 😉
Sounds cool actually, thanks for the advice 🙂
Point well made. Thanks for pointing this out to me. So do you think that one Phoenix in the middle, wings spread would fit there and allow enough detail? Dawn is a great idea for the background. I just don’t know what I’d put below the wings now lol. And im not sure how a Phoenix would look straight on.
That is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like that before! 🙂 congrats!
A mixture of both haha, but for this peice I’d probably want it to be more harsh & demanding if you get where I’m coming from. Definitely not something that someone would call pretty.