Camahta Dore
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
Sentinel has been done! So close to complete, mostly just coloring and small details now.
Ignore the spots where it looks like she missed areas, the line art in those areas was still healing and she did not want to hit it yet.
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
No shit….Polaris is staying skin-tone until the rest of the arm is complete.
My artist was like “Im free all night if you want to color her in” and I was like “Nope…nope..Im good.”
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
Update :
Inner elbow/ditch can eat a giant bag of dicks.
Holy shit.
I tapped out.
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
@Call_me_Lola 142451 wrote:
In the past I have had some quite severe swelling and also been a bit of a bleeder, now I do a few things differently and haven’t had much of a swelling (or bleeding) problem at all with the last 3 tattoos. What I do is to try to eat really ‘clean’ for a few days before a tattoo appointment. No junk food and no SALTY…
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
Second tattoo artist in a row to tell me I bleed and swell like a bitch when it comes to color.
Im also on my cycle and she thinks that may be playing a part so she called it after an hour…Im bummed, it was not painful at all but she is pretty puffy.
Im going back for Wolvie in a week, if I swell and bleed bad again after him Im just going to…[Read more]
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
@DragonFanSA 142430 wrote:
Omg your tattoo is going to be amazing. You won’t get loose skin on your arm when you loose weight
Thanks! I hope so!
I go in for coloring on Tuesday and will talk details about expanding with my artist then…thinking I will do The Brotherhood on the inside of my arm and maybe a Sentinel and Apocalypse on my lower…[Read more]
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
@buttwheat 142306 wrote:
The reason that I asked for the link was that on your tattoo some of the line work has a couple of wonky spots. From the pics on the link this seems to be a common theme for her BUT the rest of her stuff looks good, Her use of color and her color saturation look good your tattoo will turn out fine. Please don’t get angry…
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
@buttwheat 142306 wrote:
The reason that I asked for the link was that on your tattoo some of the line work has a couple of wonky spots. From the pics on the link this seems to be a common theme for her BUT the rest of her stuff looks good, Her use of color and her color saturation look good your tattoo will turn out fine. Please don’t get angry…
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
I posted a link above, Bananafish Tattoo Parlour Portfolio Gallery
I think when I go in first of the month I am going to discuss it again…maybe just have her avoid my bingo wing area.
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
@buttwheat 142276 wrote:
Why the hell would you think that I assumed that? You seem very angry to make an assumption like that.
As for your question Your tattoo should be fine with your weight loss.
again link to your tattooists work?Im not angry at all but the “Thats something all overweight people say” was a bit condescending.
I did not know…[Read more]
replied to the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
Not that the reasons for gaining weight, or the eventualities of actually losing it really need explaining but you seem to be of the assumption that I gained weight by sitting on my ass and eating twinkies.
I gained this weight because I broke my back twice and my hip once over a 5 year period and due to the latter I spent a lot of time in a…[Read more]
started the topic Sleeve progress…should I lose weight first or just go for it? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
To be blunt, Im more than just chubby.
I got a tattoo recently that I plan to turn into a full sleeve over the course of the next year, I also plan to drop some more weight over that time period.
Should I wait to get the under arm/armpit area done until after I lose weight? My tattoo artist is a hefty girl but not as big in the arm area as I…[Read more]