replied to the topic Any other Canadians on the forum??? in the forum General Discussion 16 years ago
DonnaMH;35743 wrote:
And really…who could blame you???? It is freaking snowing here again…and seriously, we are lucky if we get snow twice a year here…this year it has barely stopped…ugh…No kidding… i went to vegas for 8 days and came back– it snowed for three days straight, snowed off and on for a day and then snowed for another…[Read more]
replied to the topic To Stretch or Not to Stretch? in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years ago
Yeah i was thinking it’d be prudent to take it slowly. I definitely don’t want any infections or damage done because if I’m going to be a nurse and i have gnarly ears because i was being dumb and impatient, I’ll definitely regret it :o. I was assured that with diligence, I could be up to a 6 gauge in 2 months. Even so, i’ll take it nice and…[Read more]
replied to the topic Any other Canadians on the forum??? in the forum General Discussion 16 years ago
I’m from Ontario, just a hop-skip and a jump from the nation’s capitol city 🙂
replied to the topic A New Piercing in the forum Pierced Skin 16 years ago
Thanks! 🙂
The pain was shocking but it went away fast. I was more freaked out by how much I built it up in my mind. lol
I’m sure this is the only one I’ll be getting… I love tattoos and I’m sure I’ll stop once I run out of flesh to cover… but I don’t like excessive piercings–there’s nothing wrong with them, it’s just not to my taste.
replied to the topic Tattooing a copyrighted image in the forum Legal Issues 16 years ago
I’m a wow fan… a girl posted a tattoo she had gotten of both the horde and alliance shields on the wow forums for moderators and blizzard employees as well as gamers to see. It looks gorgeous. As far as I know, she never got in any trouble for it.
replied to the topic Lower back tattoo… skanky or cute? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years ago
My first tattoo was on my lower back. It’s not flowers or tribal or anything like that, it’s actually sort of masculine. I have a lion rampant there and I love it and all… but damn, if I knew I’d get up the courage to get a back piece, I would have held off. I remember the first thing my mother told me when I got my first tattoo, ‘Only lesbians…[Read more]
replied to the topic celebrity (female) tattoos? in the forum Celebrity Skin 16 years ago
omg, she’s gorgeous.
Although, my original thought was going to be the demure tattoo that Rihanna had done on the back of her neck just at her hairline. The little stars. It definitely suits her.
replied to the topic My tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 16 years ago
Thanks for the comments, everyone! 🙂 I’m quite proud of it that I tend to whip off my shirt every chance I get! Lol, people at the shop think it’s hilarious.
My intentions are to get the tattoo on my lower back, it’s a rampant lion, lightened and perhaps carry on with the rest of the tattoo. Perhaps do a Japanese demons/monsters motif.
If…[Read more]