replied to the topic So I joined BME in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 10 months ago
I feel bad that I have not read or seen Zorba the Greek so unfortunately I can’t answer.
replied to the topic So I joined BME in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 10 months ago
@peterpoose 123331 wrote:
Cross dresser/Transvestite
Trans – Male to female
Trans – Female to male
Drag King
Drag Queen
Pan Gendered
Third sexEven being sex positive this one is hard but I’ll give it a go.
Male: Male both in sex and…[Read more]
replied to the topic Rash on my chest from Medical Tape in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 11 years, 10 months ago
If the tape is a latex based medical tape you may have a latex allergy or sensitivity.
replied to the topic New here but not to tattoos in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 11 months ago
That’s the website for that shop.
replied to the topic New here but not to tattoos in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 11 months ago
St Louis, MO. From what research I’ve been doing recently would probably end up going to Cheap Trix. From what I’ve gathered it has the best reputation in the area.
replied to the topic New here but not to tattoos in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 11 months ago
Just so I am aware of what to look for (as I know the tattoos I have are not the best but would not be able to give full reasons why) what are the things wrong in each tattoo so I can do a proper training of my eye so when I look through other artists’ portfolios I know what to look for other than I like their work.
replied to the topic New here but not to tattoos in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 11 months ago
@Wardy 121584 wrote:
I can see how you had to have your shirt open showing your torso to be able to show us your first tattoo.
Actually that was the only pic I had that showed it.
So how would you go about telling the person doing the tattoo that you are going to have someone else finish it?
replied to the topic New here but not to tattoos in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 11 months ago
Actually from looking at other ports recently I do plan on getting a new artist for the rest of my tattoos once the lotus flowers are done. Somehow I feel switching artists now with that wouldn’t be the best idea.
replied to the topic New here but not to tattoos in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the ones I have pics of.
The kittens:
Guitar part:
Music notes:
Poly symbol:
What’s been done so far with the lotus: