replied to the topic Problems with new red tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 10 months ago
Don’t worry to much! it’s completely normal.. The skin on top is simply sloughing away, flaking off. The actual ink is injected deeper. It will look kind of pale for awhile even in a week from now, depends on how your body heals. I would wait a full 2-3 weeks to actually judge the tattoo. You’ll be fine!
replied to the topic What did it feel like for you? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 10 months ago
looks good buddy! welcome offically now..haha
now comes the healing process, which personally I hate more than actually getting inked. Prepare for the itching! Looks good btw
replied to the topic What did it feel like for you? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 10 months ago
Feels like the tip of a nail scratching at your skin over and over. Well thats how it felt to me. Good lucK!
replied to the topic +++++ New Phoenix tattoo! +++++ Color or no Color?! in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 10 months ago
^the red and yellow actually has more depth and detail, but not in the photo because its bloody LOL 🙂
replied to the topic +++++ New Phoenix tattoo! +++++ Color or no Color?! in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 10 months ago
4-22-09 UPDATE++++++++++++
Heres a quick update guys. Just got back from 2nd session and out of the showers. Tail feathers are only shaded for now, but will be color next session. I’ve decided to not go with the bright greens/purples like other phoenixs’ but more of a red/yellow color. For the clouds im planning to just shade them in black/grey,…[Read more]
replied to the topic +++++ New Phoenix tattoo! +++++ Color or no Color?! in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 10 months ago
Thanks everyone! I guess the majority says color because it’s a phoenix piece, which is usually vibrant / colorful. I’ll be working up a color scheme in photoshop just to mess around.. I’ll be sure to post back once i’m finished with my tatt! Artist said that i’ll probably need 2 more sessions though, the outline only took 2 hours and only $200!…[Read more]