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i certainly did and its fantastic. beutiful work of art.

She has another session of color. Also, there will be scroll added around the kanji to make it appear as though it is hanging on her back
theres a word for that let me think…. AWESOME…. yes thats the word
Thanks for that ive booked into the studio in a couple of weeks hopefully it will have healed enough to go through the second sitting and once its done i’ll borrow a camera and take pics of what ive got.
Thanks again for the advice guy’s keep on inkin
i wasnt keen on his batman idea at 1st but hey its not my body so i told him to go for it if thats what he wants. I think its come out pretty damm fine too :rolleyes: suppose im not always right LOL
and a close up
not bad ay
(PLZ note i own copyright to these images and permission will be needed to use my images . cloud9studio)
That is NICE i want one ive been toying with the idea of a sleave but cant think of what to get done my ink at the mo are small ones i want something as impressive as this ive thought of a 2000ad charecter ( cant spell that right) called rogue trooper as its also my initials and ive followed those storys since i was a snapper
Ahhh…and… who was it that took offense…is that the right word?…to me comment on the lack of photos?
I guess for me its like this. This is a tattooing and body piercing site. There are people who come to the site and they have neither, but are interested in getting one or both.
That’s okay. I understand that. I don’t expect them to have much to share. But somewhere along the line they should. Then comes the posts. People ask questions. Some of those questions are not allowed here, and they are informed of that. The rest deserve an answer. But you have people who would rather simply insult someone; In which case I’m curious as to what gives them the right. So I check on them, but you go to their profile and there is nothing at all. Now there is another member who voiced an opinion I disagreed with and he did so in what I took to be a rather rude way. I checked out his profile too. Guess what? The stuff there was awesome.
Does that give him a right to be an ass? Not really, but eventually all of us are, myself included. But at least he had something to back up his opinion with, so you know how I responded to him?
I didn’t.
Then there’s this person.
I responded here. End of story. If you have nothing to back up your opinion…even if all it is is awesome artwork, then keep the rude crap to yourself.
i tottally agree, people who have nothing nice to say shouldnt say anything especially if they dont know the person their abusing by calling them thick.i dont have pics up yet as i dont have the means yet but they will be going on when i have (thats if this bloody silverskin goes away) i only have a few but will get more funds allowing (and maybe a practice peice for my nephew whos an apprentice artist but only when i think hes ready and his mentor agrees) what ive seen on this forum so far is that apart from people like him everyone is good humored and helpful and i like it keep guys like him away and the forum will only grow
Probably sounds daft but how about an old style razor blade with a question mark in the middle instead of the holes to represent unanswered questions and thoughts, cutting into a lifelike heart for the pain it causes
hope it gives you an idea or a branding iron with the word thoughts lying next to the branded mind/brain as they always stay with you
Hi Kitten,
im glad i could be of service. good luck with your tattoo and when you get it you will love it im sure you wont mind going back for more as you have a liking for pain, honestly though it doesnt really hurt that much your body releases endorphins to counteract the pain and you dont feel as much after it does that, take a freind with you to talk to it helps to take your mind off things and makes it easier for your artist to do his/her thing and create your first masterpiece. Good luck let us know how it goes.
i saw that one a big fight breaks out and pixe takes a walk serves her right for being a lazy cow lol:D
Hi kitten,
As they say everyones body heals diffrently at different paces i too have slow healing skin aparently, i have only got a few tatts but have had 2 coverups along the way i used to heal quite quickly when i had them done but i was younger then, my tatts are faded but thats because it was done over 18 yrs ago and the recent ones dont look like crap you can usually go back to your artist after its healed and get a touch-up if needed. im going through the silverskin stage at the mo and its never happened to me before with the others it just takes time. if you care for your new art when its done and follow the general rule your ink will turn out ok, hope this helps
I only joined recently but have nothing to show, I came here for advice for my 1st tattoo.
i dont think he was aiming that at yourself but at the member who did the insult in the first place it was a good question for someone whos new to ink and a simple one to answer but only because that person had asked that same question at some point in their inking career/ hobby
hi Outlaw yes the work is only upto the edge of the outline i see no reason the artist would have to go over the work already done its just a case of filling in with black and grey shading as its a black and grey tattoo this is whats puzzling me unless its some artists thing as to why he doesnt want to go near it yet
hi butterfly yes its the horrid silvery layer of skin the last stage i believe in the healing process, i have 3 other tatts and its never happened before whats the best way of getting rid ive used moisturiser and goo to their instructions and not picked rubbed it. i would load a pic but i dont have a camera at mo. my wife has the grand total of 12 tatts and she heals almost overnight she had a large one on her back last week and its completly healed. the lucky cow