replied to the topic cruched substrate or live rock? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
yes it would be fine as far as the bacteria and other critters you want that come along with live rock and live substrate. its obviously much more pouros being that its crushed but i prefer using both because for some reason you always get neat surprises with live rock. As far as cycleing the tank is concerned and adding that beneficial bacteria…[Read more]
replied to the topic how can i get Coraline algae on my bare rock and coral and also get live in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 7 months ago
the best way is to add a piece of live rock with some nice coralline algae on it. then adding calcium to the water will help it grow. Just like any other thing adding chemicals i never feel is the best way to go. Introducing coralline from another piece of like rock that has it and then gioving it the right lighting and enough calcium for it to…[Read more]
replied to the topic Little green GUys popping off my live rock? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 7 months ago
they could be flatworms and in some cases condidered parasitic. try to identify them on If they are flatworms removing them gently with tweezers should be fine.
ADDITION if you can post a pic i could help you identifying them.