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it is just unlikely that you will find someone to draw it for free so why not wait to have the guy you are paying draw it? my opinion of course =)


I wore skirts and cut offs for the first few days, I wanted everyone to see it… I dont think it matters to much, but I figured as long as I washed it regularly the air was good for it and it wasent getting rubbed on by cloth.. actually it hurt when I had material rubbing against it


what do you mean regular soap? I have been washing mine with regular soap since the night I got it done… I actually use non-scented disenfectant hand soap for it, and scented suave body wash for the rest of me…has your tattoo peeled yet? I think it should have by now… you should be okay, maybe ask your tattoo artist


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good luck. I got my apprenticeship by showing my tattoo artists my artwork and there you have it. I dont know if it would work for you but I would suggest getting a small portfolio together of things you have done and go to shops and show them your passion and talent and see if they would be willing to give you a shot.

also, when you go to buy a tattoo kit (I would if I were you, you start off with everything) look on e-bay. I got mine from and I havent had any problems yet. I know it sounds hoaxy to get it off of e-bay but the price is awesome. Anyways, wish you the best! And I would make sure you get an apprenticeship under someone who knows what they are doing. Make sure its all legal and sterile and the are good at what they do, but I am sure you would do that anyway. =)


thats gorgious! I bite my finger to get my mind off of pain.. and talking to someone helps me so I am not focused on the tattoo.. everyones different… good luck, make sure to post a picture when it is all done!


I think you should bring those into a tattoo shop and ask the artists opinion. They are the ones doing it so they should be able to tell you what can and cant be done. I personaly think it could be done.


sounds like a cool idea.. I think your tattoo artist should be able to draw that up for you. If he cant I dont know if I would be willing to let him put ink on me


actually, check out this site:
and do a search for dragon… you will find alot of masculine ones, but I saw a few feminie ones as well


hello, I am chelsey, nice to meet you =)


cute tattoos! I really love the rainbow one 😀


I personally wouldnt get it low on the middle of your back, it could look strange… I would go for the hip, center back, back of the neck, ankle, or inside of your wrist. good luck!


Every tattoo artists will probly tell you something different, I would do what yours recomends.

I got my first tattoo last thursday (on my leg) and it is fully healed…
I have an old school tattoo artist and he told me to keep on whiping it with water/soap for a few hours after he gave it too me…
about 2 hours later I got home and put a small amount of A&B on it, then washed it off with soap and water before I went to bed. I was told to wash it as frequently as possible (with the right kind of soap) the next 2 days I wore a small amount of A&B and I washed it at least 3 times a day. Then I started putting lubriderm on it (test a small part, if it doesnt hurt you are ready) and I have been doing that ever since. It just finished peeling yesterday. Mine seems to be okay, my Dad did the same thing as me and he got two arm sized pieces done a few weeks ago and we are good. Hope that helps. But again, there are probly millions of things you can do and you will probly just feel safer if you follow your tattoo guys instructions. 🙂


just google ‘love in other languages’ you will find a bunch of websites…


I will give it a shot when I have the time… if you find anything online send it to me

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