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Kelly Doty, also in Atlanta.

Joey and Angie Bergeron in Leesville, LA do some colorful stuff. Not “new school”…neo-traditional, maybe.


Hard to even think of someone that would be convenient to you without knowing where you live (west Texas is BIG) but there are plenty of good artists in Texas if you’re willing to drive a little. I live in Houston and my last three tattoos were done in Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. But if you just want general suggestions….

You absolutely cannot go wrong with Liz Cook. Ridiculously amazing work and she’s a super-nice girl to boot.

Thomas Page – Pigment Dermagraphics – Austin
I really like this guy’s work but unfortunately have yet to get anything from him. Plus he’s pretty fun to hang out and BS with. The shop doesn’t have a very good website but he keeps a good amount of stuff up on his Facebook page.

Cheese – Dandyland – San Antonio
Met him while I was getting work done by Tara Quinn and he does some great stuff. Unfortunately the shop website doesn’t have a huge selection of his work. May be able to find more someplace else. You say you may want “cartoon” zombies – if you want New School, then Tara Quinn is definitely the way to go.

Spiro Kambitsis – Artistic Impressions – Houston
This is the place I refer people to when they absolutely, positively want to stay in Houston for tattoo work. I’ve sent probably four people there in the past few months and usually go with and have met the guys. They’re all really cool and laid back. Mike Ashworth and Mike Woods are also not too shabby.

Terry Mayo – Cat Tattoo – Dallas
Only met him briefly but he’s got a pretty good portfolio up online.


I’ve recently seen a few good cover-ups done by Mike Ashworth at Artistic Impressions. Pics on the studio’s website and his Facebook page.


I know it’s been a while but hopefully you’re still around.

I have a small, old tattoo on my shoulder that I want removed and I have had one session at New Look. The girls there (I won’t give names publicly put feel free to PM) are very nice and knowledgeable. They’ve been working there quite a while and seem to know what they’re talking about.

If you’ve been for a consultation, you already know what the price per session will be and if you think it will be worth it.

The process does hurt a bit but I don’t think it’s quite as bad as getting a tattoo. It’s a different kind of pain – kind of like little burns instead of little pricks.

Living in Houston most of my life, I’m all too familiar with the typical Houston conservative jackass-ery. My advice? Look for another job. Life’s too short to spend working with people like that.

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