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i think common sense should always be applied along with a large degree of caution where hygiene is concerned. i personally always use new pre sterilised needles and tips. i also stringently clean my equipment and cling film all surfaces as im mobile. my previous statement was abit blase where the cleanliness is involved. in terms of quality of work. as long as the recipient is aware of the situation and potential shit quality of work then i think its entirely up to them. but i appreciate that alot of shite gets churned out. but fuck it… makes me look better lol


well im doing ok. and if people wanna have tattoos done then let em crack on. its not the end of the world mate. trial and error. i do tattoos because i enjoy doing them. Its entirely up to that individual and the person being tattoo’d. it jsut winds me up when people start preaching about whats right. By all means take health and safety into consideration but dont not do em!


ignoring everything most tattooists will say, buy a kit and go and maim some of your mates. If your half decent at art and hasvea rough idea of how to do it thats enough at first. you will need guidance etc bout basic setup but again, if your switched on you will latch onto a decent tattooist and pick up a few tips alkong the way. don’t charge any think and get as much practise as possible. Take pictures you’ve done to tattooists and they are more willing to help you out.


don’t forget. once the scab comes off you will have a membrane of white filmy skin over the tattooed area for another week or so. I usually allow around 3/4 weeks before reviewing a tattoo. any good tattooist should touch up any other areas free of charge


that is seriously fucked up. your putting your kids through pain for now reason other than your desire for them to look a certain way. the fact your daughter only cried for 20 seconds seems to make you think its alright. thats bollocks


do you like mauri/polynesian type stuff. If that aint for you then either design it yourself or go to a good tattooist and get something drawn up by them.

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