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Poxphobia, I wonder if you realize the tone of your messages is insulting and angry. You might want to make a change in your life, you are obviously not happy. True this guy is not going to make into a magazine but his misses are when he tries to do realistic. He does good at more graphic work like what I asked for. Don’t bother to write back. I won’t come back to read it.
You guys have been cool thanks for answering my question.


Halo does amazing work. I can only imaging it would cost a small fortune to get him to do the large back piece, no doubt its worth it. Wish I could afford to get him to work on me.
As far as helping you with design… Its hard to do when you don’t know the person, and what you interests are. I like the idea of abstract sun. I’m an artist so I am drawn to tats that look like paintings when the tattoo artist can make it look like a brush stroke or watercolor, it just blows me away. And I m really into the idea of a tattoo withno real deep mmeaning, just because it looks good. All my work had a deeper meaning or it “represents” someone in my life. I want my next tat to be abstract.
Good luck on your back piece


He’s a professional in that he is very knowledgeable about being clean but he’s not all that talented. I looked at his portfolio before I went to him and he is hit or miss on his art thats why I picked something I though was simple. Sounds like I will need to spend a fortune to fix this problem now.
It was his idea that we do this as a trade. I did 4 large murals for some tat work. Maybe not the best trade?! Hope this can be fixed. I’m not that unhappy with it I think it can be salvaged. I’m just not sure he can do it. Looks like I’ve got myself in a predicament. I have seen this one guys work whos local to me and is effing amazing. I will track him down. Thanks for helping me


Yes he is a professional and has his own shop. As far as how well he’s trained I can answer that for sure.
Just for clarification the first picture I posted of the fairy is something I found online. The second photo I posted is my picture. I know the lighting isn’t the best. And this pic was taken just hours after the second session. I don’t know if that counts as “fresh”. The third picture of the ocean scene is one I found online too.
So when you say the second picture was Photoshoped I think you are talking about the ocean scene? Right?
I understand what your saying about color contrast. Unfortunately THIS streaky thing is what I got. Not really what I wanted. In fact one of the images I showed him was a tree that had flat colors in it.
I am a light olive skin tone definitely not super pale.
OK so now what can I do now. Is it possible to go over an entire area with a bright color and mute the streaks? It defiantly need some black too hut he talked me out of it saying it wouldn’t look good. Idk what to do or say to this guy cause he has gone away from what I wanted. What do I tell him to get him back on track or at least make it look better.


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Here’s another image showing the kind of colors I am looking for


My pic in the last post is my tat. This is just a few hours after our last session. We have had 2 sessions. About 6 hours. You will notice there is no black. At first I didn’t want black then he talked me into it then he talked me back out of it. Now I think it needs at least some very fine
black. But this discussion isn’t so much about that as the brightness of the color. Is it possible to get brighter colors or am I just wishing. He’s a good friend in fact he’s my ex. We didn’t have any drama kind of break up. But I’m not sure what to tell him as far as the color. Should I say ” hey butthead order me some crazy bright colors” or let bit ho cause what I’m dreaming of don’t exist is reality. Buttwhea, yeah my first first example was just to show the kind of color I want the tat itself is not so hot.

It you are wondering what my tat is its a willow tree with fantasy colors. He says we have 2 more session s to go and some detail finer lining that will make it more defined.



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