replied to the topic Hi Everyone in the forum Introduce Yourself 10 years, 11 months ago
@djmckeever 136866 wrote:
welcome to the forum, you have some pretty nice stuff on your blog.
Thank you for the reply and for checking out my blog. I have more art that I will be posting soon.
replied to the topic Rocco's Old School and other aftercare stuff?? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 10 years, 11 months ago
@djmckeever 137010 wrote:
this is a stupid question i know but has anyone used this stuff? It claims it can completely heal a tattoo in as little as 3 days. i am always looking to try out new stuff, i just got my Redemption in the mail (thanks for the recommend Sam haha) and am always willing to try other stuff to help aid in healing. i also found…
replied to the topic Completed Half Sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 12 months ago
@djmckeever 136784 wrote:
Very nice, Definitely my style. thankfully my line of work doesn’t really care about tattoos so sleeves are in the future. =D
My current line of work doesn’t mind but I’m not staying there the rest of my life.
replied to the topic Pain when getting a tattoo, advice?I in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 12 months ago
@djmckeever 136780 wrote:
Hurts so good haha 😉
Let me know how it feels when you get your nipple or arm pit tattooed.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 12 months ago
@djmckeever 136644 wrote:
chemical burns in me lungs
I new a guy in New Jersey that got “Chemical pneumonia” from breathing hazardous fumes at a Merck Chemical plant while shifting railroad cars. He was off work six months.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 12 months ago
@djmckeever 136649 wrote:
ouch sorry to hear
Each job was better than the previous one. I left on good terms and could return, but thankfully I didn’t have to.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 11 years ago
@djmckeever 136617 wrote:
Im only 23 and have worked ath the very least 13 jobs.
I had five W-2 forms one year.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 11 years ago
@djmckeever 136617 wrote:
belt technician,
WTF is a belt technician? Someone that goes around putting belts on fools with saggy ass pants?
replied to the topic What You Listening To Right Now? in the forum Music – Video – Film 11 years ago
@djmckeever 136620 wrote:
you might infact be my new best friend lol love that show
I’m a big fan of dadaistic humor, and it’s loaded.
Listening to Jeff Buckley’s “Grace.” Such a great album.
replied to the topic new tattoo peeling horrible what do i do in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 11 years ago
@djmckeever 136587 wrote:
just making sure im not the brightest person ever 😉
Trust us, we’ll let you know! (lol)
Nice work by the way.
replied to the topic new tattoo peeling horrible what do i do in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 11 years ago
replied to the topic new tattoo peeling horrible what do i do in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 11 years ago
@djmckeever 136565 wrote:
Dry wrap?? remember I’m new to this haha and can you send a link for that redemption you use
The dry wrap method starts when your tattoo work is finished. It is wrapped with plastic “saran” wrap. You then remove the wrap several times daily, wash your tattoo and re wrap it. This goes on for two or three days. Then you let…[Read more]