replied to the topic Definition of "healed" and the "two to three week" recommendation rule in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 10 years, 7 months ago
@djrell 140897 wrote:
Sure. Just like the advice that “expert” tattoo artists give when it comes to aftercare. Too much conflicting advice.
replied to the topic Definition of "healed" and the "two to three week" recommendation rule in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 10 years, 7 months ago
@djrell 140893 wrote:
Thanks for the replies. My piece is still shiny so I guess it is not healed yet. Regarding fading, I think this really applies to colored tattoos. I have several black ones that never get sunscreened, and they’re just as black as the day I got them over ten years ago.
And sorry, I’d rather not post a photo of my new piece in…