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ArniVidar;44209 wrote:
That’s a mighty awesome tattoo there. So much power in such a simple design!


I can recommend Woody’s it was a good atmosphere and there all nice people, that Jammes was doing an awesome leg piece when I was in there.


Thanks everyone, I love it 😀
Im glad it turned out as well as it did, that was my main worry. Should not have been though Jay is a great artist.

Had a bit of a worry moment this morning when I got up, the 8 on the date looked like a black blob. Told myself it will be ok once I showered and it was. Territory with being new to this I guess!


Cheers, ill wash it now then.

Sherav;44176 wrote:
Hi Dean

That is really kind of you thank-you.

I am glad you liked the book I will be happy to forward a first draft of my next one which will be more visual based.

Thanks Again


Please do Matt, id love to see it.

Any comment on my question, can I dab the tatt to remove the slight ink escape?

Sherav;44173 wrote:
That is one beautiful tattoo.
It came out even better than I had in my mind’s eye.

You should wear that one with pride and kudos to the artist and yourself for choosing such a storming design.

Can I use that in one of my e-book projects? It would be a fantastic addition.

Take Care

Cheers Matt.

Please do use it and thanks for writing the book it has helped me lots.



Seems Jammes is booked out all day tomorrow. Ill get Jay or Lee to do it. Jay looks good also.

At least its an easy design, if it were a custom id wait for Jammes to do it.


I have decided to go for the first tattoo idea. I think it is a more meaningful tattoo.
I have looked a fair few places now around my area and the one that stands out best is Woody’s and a guy there called Jammes. Here is his gallery

Im going to try and get the tattoo done in the next week or so.


Welcome. Great back piece 🙂

Are you going to have any colour on it?


Sure, im looking to get this


I want the girl about 3 to 4 inches high, on the ballon I want my daughters birth date. Id like it on my arm at the top towards the front positioned so the balloon can be on the front of my shoulder/chest area.

Just like the one in this pic in the bottom right hand corner (the one with the yellow circle around the balloon).
Some of the others on that pic are not too good.



I popped in at 12.30 to have a look around. I spoke to Kim, I think you clocked me. I was the guy in the green camo jacket. You were busy at the time doing a shoulder piece.
I like what I saw but will also check a few other places out, I don’t want to just go to the first I see as this will be with me for life.

Yours is the second studio I have been in and you were far more friendly than the last.

trixxstyles;43624 wrote:
cool idea on the tree that you. got some ideas in my mind now.

No probs, keep us updated.


Why not a tribal style tree with the dates at the bottom of the roots. Like a family tree.
Just a suggestion.


Superb work. I may have to pop to Slough and check out your place as im still trying to decide where to get my 1st tattoo done.


No Colour.


Thanks for the reply Matthew.
I did look at woodys and have known where it is since I was very young. I checked out there pics as a first stop then have looked at many other places since. Since you posted the link I looked again and have to say woody’s work looks really good compared to some of the stuff I have seen. I will have to pop in there and have a look around in the next few weeks.

Never been waxed before, think id be more worried about that than having the tattoo done 😮

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