replied to the topic Couple of new tattoos. What you guys think ? in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
@yodaddynukka 138178 wrote:
Wow how long is Emily’s waiting list? She is awesome!
She currently has a waiting list of 8-12 months. So worth it.
replied to the topic Couple of new tattoos. What you guys think ? in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
@Zukei 138171 wrote:
Damn man, those are awesome. There very few artists in Victoria I’d trust to do realism like that but I might have to look Mick Squire up and check out his work. The skull is done very nicely, too.
Thanks dude, yeah for sure. Mick has been killing it latley, aswell as the whole ‘Inkjecta’ crew..
Next up is a visit to Emily Rose.
replied to the topic New one by Javier Bergasa in the forum Inked Skin 11 years ago
This is awesome!
You have some great pieces!
replied to the topic Couple of new tattoos. What you guys think ? in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 1 month ago
Thanks guys and gals 🙂
The skull is having a bit of rough healing 🙁
I tried my best at avoiding massive scabs, but unfortunately there was one area where the arm bends on the side, that has scabbed up quite nasty.
Can anyone recommend the best thing to do once big ugly scabs form, keep dry ? keep applying the lotion ?
Trying my hardest not to…[
replied to the topic New tattoo – just linework done in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 1 month ago
That is awesome!!
replied to the topic Couple of new tattoos. What you guys think ? in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 2 months ago
Thanks guys!
Yeah I’ve noticed a massive rise of people getting Breaking Bad tattoos, haha.
So as much as I wanted it, I tried to put my own little spin on it. So being a massive fan of George A. Romero’s zombie movies, I sketched up a W.W zombie.
and Mick Squires went to work at it!The elbow ditch healing of the skull has been one of the…[Read more]
replied to the topic Couple of new tattoos. What you guys think ? in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Sam-I-Am ! I’m stoked on them.
Just a quick question about the healing of the skull, if anyone has had a tattoo done in the ditch of their arm (the bend/crease)… Can you tell me the best way to take care of it ?. It’s healing quite nicely, just a bit of hard scabbing where my arm bends.. feels so tight and sucks to sleep !
replied to the topic I need some suggestions ! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the feedback guys, I will take it into consideration!
replied to the topic I need some suggestions ! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
I feel like its too of an empty space to just colour in with a flat colour. He put no effort into it, a 10 year old could of coloured that bit just as good.
Why you say no to a black silhouette ?
replied to the topic I need some suggestions ! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the replies..
This forum structure is strange and frustrating, It’s extremeley slow. and I have no Idea why a thread that I posted in “Inked” ended up in here.. Can a mod delete the duplicate thread and move “My sleeve” To the inked thread..
Anyway back on topic, how do you mean town down ? Like add a colour over it ? I was thinking…[Read more]
replied to the topic Random picture thread! in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Holy shit ^^
replied to the topic I need some suggestions ! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 8 months ago
Hey guys.
I need some suggestions, before you say “go speak to an artist”.. I usually like to know what I want before I go see someone.
I completed a sleeve about a year ago, and the artist really did something that ruined everything I loved about it.
He used a FLURO yellow and orange to fill in the gaps, totally giving away what feel my sleeve…[Read more]