replied to the topic My 4 yr old cat seems to have a film over his eyes. A sign of blindness? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
It may be that he has cataracts. Your vet could tell you. If he is going blind and you are not going to make him an inside cat, it would be kinder to have him put down. He would be easy prey for any other animal in your neighborhood and could easily injure himself even if another animal doesn’t get him. At least indoors, he has a chance of…[Read more]
replied to the topic do you think music has healing power? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
It’s not an antibiotic, but to the extent that it influences your mood and attitude, or helps you vent your anger, stress of sadness, sure it has healing power.
Only you know what music moves you. For me, when I’m feeling blue, I put “Celtic Woman” on the boom box and they always make me feel better. If I’m really ill, quiet piano music or…[Read more]