replied to the topic Recently signed off by my master in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 8 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for the advice. I have already inked all my local friends and family, began my portfolio (about 22 images) and using social networking. I know I have a lot more to learn, but my mentor and I agree I am ready to tattoo the public, at least in the style I am comfortable with.
replied to the topic Opinion on this Tattoo design in the forum Tattoo Ideas 8 years, 9 months ago
I have found that using a petroleum based jelly clogs the pores and it’s best not to use a lubricant during the tattoo.
After finishing the piece i put a very thin layer of A&D ointment on it and cover it. I advise my client to remove the bandage and wash it gently with antibacterial soap as soon as they get home and not to leave the wrap on for…[Read more]