replied to the topic my tats.. in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 1 month ago
@peterpoose 142672 wrote:
Those were not done by a good tattoo artist, sorry! The bird is ok, the foot one looks like it will last like a week….
hmmm that pic was when it was done…. here it is as of 5 minutes ago with no touchups done on it yet
im not gonna argue with you its obvious your a “Collector” who doesnt mind dropping thousands on…[Read more]
replied to the topic my tats.. in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 1 month ago
@buttwheat 142653 wrote:
Same tattooist on all these?
foot and half sleeve were done by a very good artist in iowa ‘
ribs,ear,back were done by a local artist whos very good.
calf was done by a another tattoist in town but he closed up shop and left
replied to the topic my tats.. in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 1 month ago
my ribs (didnt hurt as bad as i thought for about 4 days after my ribs were really sore)
behind the ear (didnt feel a thing the machine buzzing was really annoying tho
my foot most painfull tattoo i ever had i barely made it thru the 3 hrs.
replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
already have…
replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
ArniVidar;82783 wrote:
What part of Unlicensed Tattooing Discussions Are Forbidden Here are you not following?You will not ask questions about it, and you will not receive answers on it.
wow with rudeness like that no wonder this place is dead….:rolleyes:
replied to the topic Im new in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
i have no clue on sea salt all i ever used is the stuff you can buy at wallmart or hot topic in the jewelery section h20 something…
lol my sister had to wait 2 weeks before she could eat solid food after hers XD
replied to the topic Im new in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
sounds like a cool idea… my work really doesnt have a problem with it but im a agricultural mechanic and sometimes i do field runs and farmers arent really accepting of it and would probally have a heartattack if i showed up with my eyebrow and snakebites lol…
tongue piercing wasnt that bad to be honest depending on your pain tolerence…[Read more]
replied to the topic Im new in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
ya that waiting sucks took 3 weeks for my tat to completelly heal.. what were you thinking of for a new tat got some ideas bouncing around ?
well theres only a few places left i can have pierced that wont interfere with work so nothing on my face but my ears.. so its either gonna be nipples or possibally bellybutton since my gf keeps…[Read more]
replied to the topic Im new in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
everythings same here just trying to decide between a new piercing or tattoo next week…. how about you man ?
replied to the topic My First tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago
thanks :)…. it might have been a little less time but i got there at 1 :20 and left at 4:15…. that includes setup and the time for him to draw it out and his smoking breaks..