thanks for the hello jinny,
i seen a tattoo a good while ago that i intended getting on my inner forearm, but as you do, you forget or other things in your life take priority.
well its time to find it again and finaly get it done.
at the moment i have a crucifix on my chest, a Japanese geisha girl on my upper arm, a jesus fish ixoye on my other arm and ‘jesus’ in large letters accross my shoulders.
im hoping someone can find my a picture of , if i remember correctly….. a crucifix in the background with a white dove in the forground. ive seen a basic one thats sort of similar but it was just a palin cross. the one i remember was the proper crucifix, detailed etc…
but i just cant find a picture on the internet, it dosnt help in the fact im rubbish at internet browsing and end up locking the computer or get lost and have to start over all the time