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It is a good piece as constructive criticism I would just have a small touch up on S in was seems to be a fraction fatter in the top half of the S.
Also looks like you have scar running through the A of am – might need to just touch that bit up a little as well.
Small stuff but overall nice choice of quote and font.
Take Care
The S you are 100% correct on it is definately fatter on the top than the bottom on both of them. But I went back and checked that’s actually how the font looks. But I am not seeing the scar near the A. Can you give me a better idea what you are seeing? Maybe I’m just missing it.
Oh and thank you. Took me and a friend a bunch of hours to pick out the font. I’ve always loved the quote and putting it right where everyone will always see it was a big deal to me.
Its just the idea that life can throw you major curve balls. Lately I’ve faced a lot of changes and obstacles. This is just my way of saying that I am not afraid to face these challenges. This is my life and I am here to live it regardless of how hard it becomes.
What language is that?
Took almost 2 hours of the most agonizing tattoo session ever. Yeah the heavy coloring did NOT help at all with the pain part. But getting the ex’s name covered was awesome. Plus I love roses.
As for using laser to lighten it first, nah. It’s funny, the pain seemed like part of the letting go and moving on thing. Hard to explain.
Piercing took all of 10 minutes. No pain. Very minor swelling that lasted a few hours, nothing major. Could talk/eat correctly the next day without issue. After about a month I got to take out the stupidly long “while you heal” tongue ring and put in something I liked. Now it’s all kinds of fun and there are several types of, um, sexually relevant tongue ring variations that are very entertaining.
Healing is simple, listerine (dilluted) after you drink, eat, kiss, or anything else. Yeah you’re not supposed to drink alcohol, smoke, kiss, give oral sex ect while you’re healing. But hell I don’t do well with warnings and did all that shit and I’m still good. Worth noting however that an open wound in your mouth is a serious concern if you have ANY REASON AT ALL to question your partners commitment to you while it’s healing.
Otherwise, go for it. Very fun and if you decide you don’t want it later just take it out and no scar to worry about or anything.
I think it’s all a big variable. I’ve got white on my right arm that’s been there for 14 years and everyone told me it’d fade out in months. But I’ve got purple on my forearm that faded within months of getting it and is a lot lighter than it was a decade ago.
But yeah, just get it touched up. Not a big deal and nothing you can really do to “stop” fading, just slow it down.
“it is better to be hated for who you are then to be loved for who you are not”
I think I’ve seen that on at least a dozen other people as a tattoo. I still like mine. Of course it’s a famous quote so maybe that falls into a different category.
Do whatever you want. It’s your body. If someone else has it shouldn’t make it mean less to you. But I do agree it’s rather odd wording.
That is freaking AWESOME! It’s so insane that it works. Can’t wait to see more.
Cool it’s official, my tattoos are aging better than I am. Thanks guys for the comments.
2) like the big bold stuff
3) got any pics of your back, other arm, and/or the spots?
1) That’s what she said
2) Thanks
3) Coming this week I promise
Maybe? Hell it’s got a lot to do with how your body reacts. I’ve seen it go both ways. But you can’t damage anything by putting smaller jewelry in and hoping for the best. Worse case scenario, it doesn’t shink, and you put the original jewelry back in.
I’m just going to hit on the “permanent” part of this discussion since it’s the only one I can help with…
they are considered temporary because people keep doing the damned things wrong. Yes even if done right, but an experienced piercer, with the best jewelry money can buy, they are a severe pain in the ass. Second problem, I’ve never seen a healed corset piercing anywhere but the back. I would be willing to be any amount of money that rib corsets won’t heal, ever.
So just to quickly bullet-point this as to not make this a mile long post
1 – corset piercings require a crap ton of work to heal. a friend took 2 weeks off of work to get hers to heal enough for her to go back to doing anything and she has to be very cautious with it all the time to keep it there. that being said, it’s been there now for a few years
2 – cbr’s aren’t gonna cut it. regular jewelry isn’t gonna cut it. You want those slightly bendy bars with slave rings attached. Basically 99% of the time you’ll only have the little balls showing. When it’s “dress up” time you put the slave rings on and run the corset threading. If you leave the threading in for any length of time, or god forbid permanently, you’re done
3 – no you shouldn’t thread them immediately if you want them to heal. it’d be the same idea as why you probably shouldnt have sex 5 minutes after getting your penis pierced.
4 – oh and the list of crap you can’t do with them after they’re in is long. you literally have to COMMIT to the idea of these things being worth a serious pain in the ass.
So there ya have it, for whatever it’s worth. But that’s just from my expierences being around and having a friend with a healed one and what it took to get it there and takes to keep it there.
The only thing I could think of being worse than laying in bed dying after suffering the severe consequences of doing something you truly deep down wanted to do is to lay dying in bed never have done what you truly wanted to do.
Oh and for all the Star Trek fans (yeah I’m working on the pictures, give me a few) I do have a borg queen/ship on my right calf. Any other trek tattoos here?