replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
@NorCalDan 140834 wrote:
some days it’s worse for me,some days I can block it out,
my mom,my father,and my mom’s father all died of cancer,
I’m turning 55 in October,some days I think about it more than others,
it scares me a lot.
ya,I know that’s dark,but it’s in my head,
today we went to a funeral of a HS classmate that passed away from… -
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
It sounds silly, but I really miss you guys. Started classes this summer, and I’m super busy with that and work.
FYI, these 22 year old hot shots are seriously intimidating. I feel comparatively like an old country doctor or some shit.
replied to the topic Undies in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
Boxers are clearly the superior choice. I find underwear to be rather prohibitive if I’m relaxing around the house. I’m just sayin’.
replied to the topic phantom bruises? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 10 years, 8 months ago
The dermis is rich in blood vessels, especially for women,and they’re especially fragile certain times of the month. It’s not related necessarily to the tattoo, but the funny position you were lying in and counter-pressure. Don’t worry about it. Eat more meat and red wine.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
@buttwheat 140586 wrote:
So Saturday is my anniversary I don’t know what to get my wife of 20+ years. She already has a good vacuum, iron and a new washer and dryer so I was thinking either a new lawn mower or a chainsaw, what do you think?
Spa weekend! Spa weekend!
replied to the topic Advice, guidance and constructive criticism wanted? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
@ArniVidar 140535 wrote:
Ageist or not, it’s just the truth. We’re all idiots at that age. You were one[…][/quote]
I don’t get that bit. What does her age have to do with where she lives? And 18 is not “the” age for the entire world, either. In fact, it’s different in most places for different things 🙂You may want to hold off…[Read more]
replied to the topic Bieber's Tattoos in the forum Celebrity Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
@Sam-I-Am 140457 wrote:
Personally, I think that’s a lousy tattoo.
Nonsense. I have notebooks full of similar doodles when I was in middle school, and my middle school doodles were awesome.
replied to the topic The Copyright of Tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
Owning physical property doesn’t mean you own the intellectual rights to the property.
I’m not sure what they’re arguing about. If I own a copy of Little Women, my friend can’t copy the entire the book by hand and claim it’s an original book It’s not that confusing.
replied to the topic Advice, guidance and constructive criticism wanted? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
@ArniVidar 140520 wrote:
Don’t, under any circumstances, get a tattoo for your 18th birthday.
It is almost 100% certain that it will be horrible, that you will regret it, and that you will have to either have it removed or covered in a few years time.I realize this is not what you want to hear, but I couldn’t be more honest.
Or more ageist.…[Read more]
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
@Sam-I-Am 140436 wrote:
Wow! What memories you have stirred up! Is it possible for a woman to have an orgasm and not wake up? I’m pretty sure I orally brought here to orgasm, but she doesn’t remember it.
On the other hand, I once fell asleep on top of her.If you pay in cash, she ALWAYS cums.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
I fell asleep with a gentleman friend over at my house last night. Oops. He wasn’t that boring, but I was that tired.
replied to the topic Color done on my sternum piece! in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
It’s as pretty as you are!
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
Oh, Sam. I’m so sorry about your pup.
I’ve been busy out of my mind lately. Taking a long weekend to rest up in the mountains. Turned my phone off. It’s a weekend just with friends, and I’m looking forward to it.
replied to the topic I like my tattoo but… in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
@Sam-I-Am 140172 wrote:
I had an iguana tattooed on my leg. It was my second one. Not until I had it redone did my wife admit she didn’t like it originally.
How many legs does the iguana have?
replied to the topic Tattoo over shoulder/clavicle scar in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
I’d actually advise against a black and white design type tattoo. Anything with a focus on symmetry and simplicity is going to make your scar look like a livid mess. Deviation and symmetry are not buddies. Talking to an artist is the best start, but I’d advise with something complex with a lot of color.
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
A patient fell today.
On top of me.
I’m walking around like I have a baseball bat up my ass, and frankly, I feel like it. My bicep is stuck in flexion, to boot. I’m off at 6 AM. I shouldn’t be at work, but every other practitioner bitched and moaned who could possibly cover me. I have a bottle of pain meds I can’t touch. I’m sure this is…[Read more]
replied to the topic Random thoughts for the day in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 10 months ago
@poulosr 140119 wrote:
Rolling in cash, but nothing to buy.
I’ll spend your money for you.
@jerryatrophy 140007 wrote:
Thinking about biting the bullet and booking with Kelly Doty for my 2014 piece. Yes I’m broke so one “forum approved” appointment per fiscal year.
She’s 11 hours away now in fort Wayne Indiana. It would more than doublebmy longest… -
replied to the topic Why bother lol? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 10 months ago
It looks like she’s grimacing like she’s really experiencing pain. Pain’s subjective. If she says she’s in pain, who am I to argue? And she seems to be saying just that.
No one should have to work in those conditions, though. The artist should have told her to stop screaming or she’d have to pack up and go home.
replied to the topic Hello Everyone in the forum Introduce Yourself 10 years, 10 months ago
There was that day I discovered there’s a frozen yogurt shop in the same complex as the tattoo parlor I go to. It wasn’t the best day ever, but it was in the top 20.
replied to the topic Are you ever too old for a tattoo? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 10 months ago
People of all ages get tattoos. My landlord’s girlfriend is 70 and just scheduled getting her first tattoo.
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