@NorCalDan 144203 wrote:
sorry for your loss,that’s a tough thing to go through,
like was said,I agree the bottom of the foot is not a good idea,
my dog is alive,but I put her pawprints on my neck,had her step on an inkpad then paper.

I saw a tattoo the other day of a dog print on the top of a foot,looked pretty good there,like the dog was standing on her foot,walking with her in a way.
Thanks for the replies guys, Yeh that’s exactly why I want on in my foot, with the words “we’ll walk together forever”, her foot on mine, I just wanted it kind of ‘pad – sole’ as it’s just a more personal tattoo. I Don’t mind the extra pain, it’s just the concern of it not lasting. I wouldn’t mind getting it touched up every few years but not every few months 🙁