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  • replied to the topic not really hard in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years, 2 months ago

    Your welcome! Thank you once again, for putting it up! The items you have written about so far are amazing and well, it is the best place for information and insight on tattoos I have seen! I will be reading it regularly and looking forward to new posts!
    I have a small home based business (Psychic Readings) and I am thinking of moving my site to…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic not really hard in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks guys, and gals, for your insights!
    Butterfly_kisses, your photos are absolutely gorgeous…I’ll post some more soon, proper. I also am working as a freelance photographer right now!! I love it, self-employment and getting creative for pay is a new endeavor for me but so far so good! What do you shoot?

    Karlague77, congratulations on only…[Read more]

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