replied to the topic How do you become a tattoo artist in america? in the forum US Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 17 years, 4 months ago
@robyn9882 20749 wrote:
Yeah getting an appreticeship is the right way to go, but if you can’t get one right away then start yourself. It’s not hard to research things and buy equipment. Practice on oranges, dont waste your time buying the fake skin because It’s very hard to use. Make sure you learn about blood bourne pathogens and the correct…
replied to the topic Tattoo machine help? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 4 months ago
yeah i kind of ruled that one out. it’s not that it’s running and then getting hot and turning off….right out the gate a few seconds into running the machine it overheats and shuts off. that’s rediculous. my paul rogers runs like a monster. any voltage setting high or low it runs for hours on end….
replied to the topic Cost of Tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 5 months ago
prices vary…
Do i want to do it?
How much time do I have to spend on it?
Do I personally think it’s worth my effort?
Am I into the tattoo?
Is it worth even setting up my equipment and prep time for the tattoo?I hate tribals. Most tribals people get aren’t really even tribals. Most people don’t even realize that each character is a…[Read more]
replied to the topic How do you become a tattoo artist in america? in the forum US Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 17 years, 5 months ago
always get an apprenticeship. Do it the right way or don’t do it at all. If you’re second guessing 5k then tattooing isn’t for you. it’s a career and serious one at that. go big or go home
replied to the topic My daughter went ahead and pierced her lip after her father and I told her she was in the forum Pierced Skin 17 years, 6 months ago
pics of said 15 year old?
replied to the topic Can anyone recommend any really good tattoo artists or tattoo studios in in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 6 months ago
where exactly in socal?
replied to the topic tattoo question? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 6 months ago
go to and look at the user galleries. tons of great ideas all sectioned off into categories
replied to the topic Tattoo During Football in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 6 months ago
among dirt being one of the issues, take into consideration sweat and the ability if any for the tattoo to breathe and heal properly. Everyone’s skin is different but when I tattoo someone I tell them to take it easy for at least a week and a half. You can wrap that thing up like you’re trying to preserve thanksgiving turkey but that’s not the…[Read more]
replied to the topic How do you become a tattoo artist in america? in the forum US Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 17 years, 6 months ago
two ways.
– apprenticeship from a professional tattooist. which rarely if ever is free.
-order some equipment and start scratching away.
if i was you, i’d focus less on the latter and get a proper apprenticeship.