replied to the topic E-Raze? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 7 months ago
Thanks Sherav. With the references to Wrecking Balm in other posts, I wasn’t sure if it was understood how E-raze was suppose to work. I appreciate everyones replies.
replied to the topic E-Raze? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 7 months ago
This is not simply a cream according to the site that was in the link. (sorry about the live link by the way) This product is suppose to be used with a a tattoo machine and actuallyapplied the same as ink. A brief description of what they claim the process is, everyone knows that when ink is applied into your skin, it stays in the liquid form.…[Read more]
replied to the topic Hi. in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years, 8 months ago
It can be done in the US as long as parent is present and signs a waiver. But I would wait a while longer, or you may end up with a tattoo of sponge bob or something. Just kidding, if you don’t wanna wait, just make sure you pick something from your heart.
replied to the topic Amatuer Artist: 20/M/CA in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years, 8 months ago
First things first. I would first off recommend that you find a Professional tattoo artist to apprentice you. If you can’t find one, and insist on doing this, then my next comment is in regards to cleanliness!! You can never be too clean. Without having the money to invest in all the proper equipment for proper sterilization. Go thru the proper…[Read more]
replied to the topic My First (4) Tattoos! Shitty & Sad, Tell Me What You Think PLEASE! =) in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years, 8 months ago
Don’t go back there!! Find a reputable artist, and see what they think. They may be able to fix that one, or it just may have to be covered. Ask they artist what they think. Also, I would suggest that you find an artist that has a protfolio of some of their work so you can see their quality of work for yourself.
replied to the topic Tattoos in the business world? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
Some employers may choose not to hire you due to the tattoo being in a highly visible location. It will mainly depend on the position. If you are dealing with some sort of direct contact with customers, then it may not be apealing to them. I myself waited to find my carreer before putting any on my forearm. It is your body, and just keep in mind…[Read more]