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  • replied to the topic want to add to my sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 11 months ago

    Hi guys,
    Thought id post a few pics of my sleeve now the colour and shading has been done. I am very happy with the finished work, and think Pete, my tattooist has done a great job. I am booked in for another sitting so he can have a look and see, as he thinks the shading where the lower 1/4 sleeve meets the 3/4 sleeve may need a bit more…[Read more]

  • Hello u. Another inked geordie here. Looking forward to seeing wot u got!!

  • replied to the topic want to add to my sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 12 months ago

    Hi guys. i posted a while ago asking for advice on adding to my 3/4 sleeve, which i had done a couple of years ago. I have just got back from my 1st sitting of the add on to complete the sleeve. I am really pleased with how Pete (my tattooist) has started the line work. I will keep updating as i have more sittings. I decided on a fan with kanji…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic My first big one.. in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 1 month ago

    love the pink…………..the inks nice too

  • replied to the topic want to add to my sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the history of the femal samurai, and the geisha. Do you have any good pics, or know of any good sites so i can look for referance material. I deffo think that the idea of the geisha or the female samurai with the year of the ox inked on her skni is the idea i like the most. Do you all think it will work with the rest of the sleeve?
    I…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic want to add to my sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks again butterfly. I like your idea. Do you know the history of the geisha warrior? if i got the right looking geisha i like the idea of the exposssed skin with the year of the ox kanji inked on her. I could then add a scroll with my daughers name in kanji, and finish off with water blossom and wind etc.
    Any other advise/adeas appreciated


  • replied to the topic want to add to my sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 15 years, 1 month ago

    Just thought id let you see the space i have.
    Someone said i could maybe get a women samurai warrior, and maybe incorporate the ox on her clothing. I like the idea as it would fit in with the asian style. it would also allow the lady to represent the feminine form for my daughter, and the ox for her year of birth. I could then have her name and…[Read more]

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