replied to the topic Scale and Feather Wings in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 13 years, 10 months ago
Its going on my back. Full width by half length, i think. I’d be open for either the symmetrical approach or the in motion approach.
replied to the topic Unlicenced Tattoist Discussion in the forum Announcements, Guidelines, Feedback And Suggestions 13 years, 10 months ago
D3FiANC3;86198 wrote:
Just because some of the greats started out this way doesn’t mean that it’s an appropriate path nowadays. People are more educated now and much more aware of the health risks involved in tattooing. Doing tats on live people without going through the proper channels is irresponsible. You’re putting people’s health at risk…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Unlicenced Tattoist Discussion in the forum Announcements, Guidelines, Feedback And Suggestions 13 years, 10 months ago
AhshKoshBGosh;31862 wrote:
Please if anyone sees a scratcher post asking what they are supposed to do and looking for simple How-to’s then alert Turbo, Demure, or Myself so we can takee the appropriate action on these posts if we haven’t done so already.
How are people to learn, minus spending several thousand on an apprenticeship, if…[Read more]