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Looks good! Braver man than me… I have a design for a neck piece just not the nads to deal with the social stigma. I wanted an apple core, full bright colour, surrounded by pale blue shading that just fades out. Obviously wanted it right on my throat (adams apple)… Maybe one day lol.
I dont normally bother replying to stuff on here, just pop on to look at pics, get ideas etc but this…. Is so fucking awesome I just had to make the effort to congratulate you lol.
Its my first but my mrs has one from a previous relationship (he never sees his dad and iv been around since he was 1 so i may aswell be his dad lol). We’ve paid to go private for an early gender scan which is 2 weeks today so will know then! Both hoping for a girl but as they say “as long as its healthy”…..

Oooooh that would suck lol. Fair play to the guy though, handled it like a pro!
Recently i’ve been completely obsessed with Phobia by Breaking Benjamin. Brilliant album from start to finish!
I did exactly this with much first tattoo but found bepanthen to be too thick to rub in on my latest one without rubbing at the scabs so i switched to an unscented lotion when it started to scab.

I love david thorne! The email ones are the best!
Second one is vile! Fifth one down is best!

Lol! This made me laugh loads!
I live in the middle of the UK so im lucky enough to be within a few hours of anywhere in the country and theres nowhere I would consider too far in this country to travel for a tattoo! Most artists worth travelling for will have huge waiting lists anyway which gives you plenty of time to save for a hotel if you dont want to drive back after!
If you get a tattoo at 15 you’ll regret it by the time you’re 18 for two reasons… First because you will have grown up so much by then and what you consider a cool tattoo (especially a gang related one) will seem stupid and second because any artist that will tattoo a fifteen year old will suck and you’ll just be left with a badly done gang related tattoo that will look awful and probably stop you ever getting a good job because nobody wants to hire a gang member do they?
Welcome mate.
Got any ink or just looking for ideas?
I’m with peterpoose on this one. Think the symbolism is personal enough with your idea that the lettering certainly isn’t needed from your point of view, and those close enough to you will know what its for, so why mark your skin for the benefit of strangers?
Sounds like a great idea though and I’d like to see when its done!