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This also goes without saying, but hypoallergenic soap and washing it when you shower as well.



You run into so many skin problems. You’ll run a risk of cracked skin, ink falling out, and a tattoo is an open wound, so you’re inviting infection. Asepsis is your goal, so use ointment and lotion once the redness has faded (after about a week and a half- this is normally an indication that he tattoo has “healed” over, and the epidermis is dying off) to be safe.


As a nurse, I can tell you that lidocaine or any numbing agent will only dull the pain temporarily. It also depends, where are you getting the tattoo done, what’s its size, etc. the pain returns tenfold, so if you want to enjoy the tattoo, don’t use any numbing agent. Use ibuprofen or something about 20 minutes beforehand, as it will help with pain and swelling as well- never a numbing agent. I hope this helps.


I’m curious, what was your meaning at the time? I wouldn’t say cover it up, maybe make a half sleeve cataloging where you’ve been in life since you’ve gotten the tattoo? Just a thought mate 🙂

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