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a men to that sister.

your point is probably the best one anyone has made on this site


ok first you have to forget the idiots saying you will regret it and bla bla bla. they’re morons. it will cost about 150-250 dollars. dont worry about the price the more you pay the better the artist is probably going to be. its a cool tat by the way. and it wont hurt that much and will prop only take 1 hour


i think it would look best as a side piece (right side to even out the left shoulder tat)

but if you want to stick to you back – in the middle, right below your neck would look good too

good luck!


i love tattoos – but hate bush – so i personally wouldn’t get that – but if thats what you want go for it

just make sure you won’t regret it:

– what if your ever wanted to shave again – then that would look weird
-and would your feelings be easily hurt if you got bad reactions from others

but its your body and if that tattoo would make YOU happy – then get it

good luck

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