replied to the topic New member alert! in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years, 8 months ago
DOJAGUY;89350 wrote:
no ideas at all???Not a scooby doo!! Was thinking making it a bit girly and getting butterflies, flowers etc in pastel shades but thats just an idea! I ashamed to say that theres nothing im passionate enough about that would make me want to get a tattoo of it :S Back to the drawing board with this one 🙁
replied to the topic Newbie from Dundee! in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years, 8 months ago
iainaucott;86052 wrote:
Anyway, I’bd be happy to hear from anyone, specially those from Dundee area, male or female!!
Hey dude where abouts in Dundee are you from? I used to live there but moved to the highlands 8 years ago!
replied to the topic Lower Leg Sleeve Ideas For Girls?! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 8 months ago
Cheers for the tips guys, will need to sit down and have a think about this one! Haven’t seen many lower leg sleeves on girls so ive got no idea what to go for!